
I'm running ruby 1.9.3p392 [i386-mingw32] on windows 7; I'm also running 
Capistrano v2.15.5.

I've had success deploying an earlier rails app to my production (Ubuntu 
12.04) server using cap deploy for many months now.

But my attempt to deploy a new rails app to the same server using cap 
deploy has raised a number of errors. They all seem to arise when 
capistrano tries to access my git repository from the production server.

Deploy.rb: http://pastie.org/8200290
Capfile: http://pastie.org/8200301

Here's what I'm getting in response to "cap deploy" at the git bash command 
line on my Windows development machine:

c:\Sites\rails_projects\molex_acq>cap deploy
>   * ←[32m2013-08-02 09:52:59 executing `deploy'←[0m
>   * ←[32m2013-08-02 09:52:59 executing `deploy:update'←[0m
>  ** transaction: start
>   * ←[32m2013-08-02 09:52:59 executing `deploy:update_code'←[0m
>     updating the cached checkout on all servers
>     ←[33mexecuting locally: "git ls-remote 
> http://usern...@github.com/username/m
> olex_acq.git master"←[0m
> Password for 'http://usern...@github.com':
>     ←[2;37mcommand finished in 30232ms←[0m
>   * ←[33mexecuting "if [ -d 
> /home/dean/rails_projects/molex_acq/shared/cached-co
> py ]; then cd /home/dean/rails_projects/molex_acq/shared/cached-copy && 
> git fetc
> h -q origin && git fetch --tags -q origin && git reset -q --hard 
> dbf5c851f043c14
> 0678cec5f23b2d0a782b6a509 && git clean -q -d -x -f; else git clone -q -b 
> master
> http://usern...@github.com/username/molex_acq.git 
> /home/dean/rails_projects/mole
> x_acq/shared/cached-copy && cd 
> /home/dean/rails_projects/molex_acq/shared/cached
> -copy && git checkout -q -b deploy 
> dbf5c851f043c140678cec5f23b2d0a782b6a509; fi"
> ←[0m
>     servers: [""]
>     [] executing command
>  ** [ :: err] fatal: could not read Password for 
> 'http://username@gith
> ub.com': No such device or address
> Password:
>     ←[2;37mcommand finished in 10732ms←[0m
> *** [←[34mdeploy:update_code←[0m] ←[34mrolling back←[0m
>   * ←[33mexecuting "rm -rf 
> /home/dean/rails_projects/molex_acq/releases/20130802
> 145342; true"←[0m
>     servers: [""]
>     [] executing command
>     ←[2;37mcommand finished in 22ms←[0m
> failed: "sh -c 'if [ -d 
> /home/dean/rails_projects/molex_acq/shared/cached-copy ]
> ; then cd /home/dean/rails_projects/molex_acq/shared/cached-copy && git 
> fetch -q
>  origin && git fetch --tags -q origin && git reset -q --hard 
> dbf5c851f043c140678
> cec5f23b2d0a782b6a509 && git clean -q -d -x -f; else git clone -q -b 
> master http
> ://usern...@github.com/username/molex_acq.git 
> /home/dean/rails_projects/molex_ac
> q/shared/cached-copy && cd 
> /home/dean/rails_projects/molex_acq/shared/cached-cop
> y && git checkout -q -b deploy dbf5c851f043c140678cec5f23b2d0a782b6a509; 
> fi'" on


I'm trying to figure out what the "could not read Password for [github 
address]: No such device or address" error message is telling me and why my 
deploy doesn't complete successfully as a result. My deploy.rb contains my 
correct github password, and capistrano prompts me for that password at 
several locations, and I'm entering that password correctly. I did fiddle 
with my ssh keys recently in attempting to deploy my new app to heroku, so 
that's probably where things are going wrong. Any suggestions on how to 
debug this process?

I'm particularly interested in understanding what exactly capistrano is 
trying to do at each step so I can attempt to reproduce the process step by 

Thanks very much,

Dean Richardson

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