Thanks, Rob and Lee.

I am indeed just getting started. Based on what I've read, Nginix + 
Passenger + Rails is a good combo, so I'll probably go with that. I did see 
the boilerplate restart task, and what you said about it makes perfect 

As an aside, Lee, you mentioned the "super-pro HA setup" folks are using 
for zero-downtime restarted and extreme performance. Can you share more 
details about that? I'll end up particularly interested in that soon.

Thanks again.


On Friday, March 14, 2014 3:12:57 PM UTC-4, Roy Miller wrote:
> I'm running Cap 3.1.0, Rails 4.0.3, Ruby 2.1.0 on a Vagrant Virtual Box 
> VM. My deploy is working fine, including the knife-solo provisioning of the 
> machine. Now I need to finish things up by starting my Rails app in the 
> deploy directory ... and I can't figure out how to do it. Google hasn't 
> been any help so far. Makes me think I'm missing something truly basic.
> I see this boilerplate in my deploy.rb:
> after :publishing, :'start_cold'
> desc 'Restart application'
> task :restart do
>   on roles(:app), in: :sequence, wait: 5 do
>     execute :touch, release_path.join('tmp/restart.txt')
>   end
> end
> Is that all that should be necessary to restart my Rails app? If so, it's 
> not working. The server isn't running on the Vagrant box.
> That led me down the path of trying to grep the ps aux output and see if 
> there's a running ruby process, but I wonder if I'm making it way too hard. 
> The basic question is, how do I start my Rails app after a deploy? Very 
> soon after that, once I'm over that hump, I'll want to know how to restart 
> it after a subsequent deploy. So feel free to kill two birds with one stone 
> :)

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