
I am logging in with a user who is part of the admin group, and I set the 
user up so they don't have to enter the password when in sudo mode.

If I login to the server using ssh I am able to create a director like:


When I run cap, I get this error:

>>bundle exec cap production deploy:check

cannot create directory ‘/u/apps’
: Permission denied

My deploy_to is:

set :deploy_to, '/u/apps/blogtest'

I tried adding this also but it didn't help:

set :use_sudo, true
set :user, 'ubuntu'

Any ideas?


   - Ruby 2.1.2p95
   - Capistrano 3.1.0
   - Rake 10.1.0


   - osx 10.9.3
   - ubuntu 14.04


   - Please past logs (as completely as possible to a 3rd party pasting 
   service such as pastie.org)


   - Capfile
   - deploy.rb
   - Stage files (production.rb, staging.rb)

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