Just in case anyone is still looking for a solution to this, I created a 
gem: https://github.com/capistrano-plugins/capistrano-secrets-yml
It handles secrets.yml in the simplest possible way.

On Friday, April 25, 2014 4:56:44 PM UTC+2, Bruno Sutic wrote:
> Versions:
>    - Ruby 2.1.0
>    - Capistrano 3.2.1
>    - Rails 4.1 (basic blog app)
> Files:
>    - config/secrets.yml <http://pastie.org/9107297>
> I have been playing with rails 4.1 and I wanted to deploy it with 
> capistrano.
> All went smooth till the end - the deployed app had hiccups because I 
> didn't provide it with SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable (see 
> secrets.yml file above).
> The problem was easy to manually fix, but I have the question: what is the 
> best general way to handle secrets.yml in rails 4.1?
> I can think of 2 approaches and can't decide which one is right:
>    1. - put the secrets.yml in version control
>    - development and test secrets are visible and set in the file
>    - handle production secrets with environment variables
>    - set production env vars with capistrano somehow (values also must 
>    not get into version control)
>    - too much hassle around env variables?
>    - development, test secrets still visible in git: problem when API 
>    keys for other services are used (eg S3)
>    2. - do NOT put secrets.yml in version control
>    - have all the secrets (both dev,test and prod) inside the secrets.yml 
>    file
>    - capistrano's job would be only to upload the config/secrets.yml file
>    - server secrets stored in a file (not an issue myb?)
>    - config is not in the environement according to 12 factor 
>    <http://12factor.net/config>
> Looking at the steps above, the approach #2 seems less work and less 
> chance for a failure.
> Any other opinions on this?
> Thanks

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