Hi all. I am experimenting with Capistrano for the first time.
While trying to do a website deployment with Mixd/wp-deploy, I couldn't 
make my symlinks get created using :linked_files.
After digging deep into the code I found out, that in the 
deploy:symlink:linked_files task the test for already existing links, which 
precedes their creation, returns true when it should not.

I wrote a simple test task to verify my finding. Can someone explain me the 
following behavior:

In deploy.rb:

namespace :my do
  task :test do
    on release_roles :all do
      if test "false"
        puts "false is true"
        puts capture("if false; then echo 'Indeed!'; else echo 'Not 
really!'; fi")

Running 'bundle exec cap production my:test' prints:

false is true
Not really!

I get the same results if I replace test "false" with test "[ -f / ]", for 

Thanks for help,


   - Ruby: ruby 2.0.0p481 (2014-05-08 revision 45883) 
   - Capistrano: 3.1.0
   - Rake: 10.1.1


   - Working on.... OSX 10.9
   - Deploying to... x86_64 GNU/Linux

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