Quoting Kenton Varda (2016-08-09 18:54:59)

>    Sorry for the slow reply -- vacation email backlog.

Between this list and sandstorm-dev I've lost count of how many times
I've seen this phrase recently :P. Don't worry about it.

>    Did you end up working on anything capnp-related?

I did -- didn't spend as much time on it (or get as much done) as I'd
hoped, but the results are up on that github repo I linked:


The readme didn't get updated. It's still very much WIP, sloppy in a lot
of ways, not very well tested, etc.

I left off in the midst of getting it to parse things as far as they can
be without schema info -- so pointers and flat data pretty much.

I decided that the next few weeks worth of spare time programming needs
to go towards finishing an actual sandstorm app that's been sitting
around in a not-quite-useful state for a while. Once that's squared away
I'm going to revisit this, but the repo is likely to be quiet for a few

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