On 26-Jun-2015 11:11 am, Dave Dolson <ddol...@sandvine.com> wrote:
> A couple of discussion points, since you asked:
> 1.
> "Captive Portal" is a term that seems to be specifically about getting access 
> to the network.
> Could this technology embrace other forms of alerts, such as 
> tornado/tsunami/fire/toxic-spill ?
> In other words, the ability of the network to interrupt the user with, 
> "I need your eyes on this information, right now"

Only if the device can handle such alerts (opt-in, somehow).  I mean, we don't 
want our own fire alarm system interrupted from its communication because of a 
tornado 10 miles away, and we don't want our Internet-connected door lock 
interrupted because of a fire (even a fire within the same building).  And we 
don't want to relive 1987 for our normal web usage, either; 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Headroom_broadcast_signal_intrusion.  That 
is, such interruptions need to be authorized and authenticated.

tl;dr:  No.

> 2.
> On an unrelated note, should probably allow devices without operators or 
> screens (IoT devices) to fulfill CP requirements.
> Hence, not just about browsers rendering HTML to humans, but any kind of 
> client.
> 3.
> Although the proposed charter doesn't say it, some discussion seems to 
> indicate this should be a link-layer 
> problem. I.e., a matter for DHCP and the first-hop router. I'd like to see 
> this posed as an internet-layer 
> problem, hence applicable to all forms of internet access, and made 
> enforceable by any forwarding device 
> along the path. As a simple example, a device behind a NAT may need to 
> receive a captive-portal alert from
> an enforcement point on the other side of the NAT.

I'm not sure how that would work.  Are you mentioning NAT because of address 
sharing (NAPT) which makes it difficult/impossible to distinguish separate 
devices on the public side of a NAPT?

I would not want any device along the path able to inject itself to become a 
captive portal; imagine the chaos if a core router did that.


> I don't know if any of my points warrant changes to the proposed charter. But 
> if the above are to be
> specifically excluded, it's probably worth saying so.
> -Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Captive-portals [mailto:captive-portals-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
> Warren Kumari
> Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 2:26 PM
> To: captive-portals@ietf.org
> Subject: [Captive-portals] Feedback requested: Charter text.
> Hi all,
> We have a BoF scheduled for the IETF in Prague.
> We would like to get a discussion going on some *strawman* charter text.
> -----
> Captive Portals are used to restrict access to a network until users
> have purchased access, or accepted Acceptable Use Polices (AUP).
> They accomplish this by intercepting connections from unauthenticated
> clients, redirecting them to an authentication server, and then
> granting access (if satisfied). By developing a standard set of
> Captive Portal interactions (including simple ways for clients to
> discover and interact with CPs), we will significantly improve the CP
> user experience, increase security, and simply the CP interceptions.
> This will increase the user completion rate, increase the CP
> interception reliability, and decrease the implementation complexity
> and cost.
> Many of the interception techniques are very similar to
> man-in-the-middle attacks, and, as clients become more secure, are
> increasingly ineffective, leading to a poor user experience. Many of
> the captive portals require a web browser to interact with the
> authentication system, and may require that the user disconnects any
> VPNs, browses to a non-HTTPs site, or similar. In addition, there is
> no standard way to discover the existence of the captive portal, when
> the captive portal has been satisfied, and how much time remains
> before the captive portal restricts access again.
> The Captive Portal (CAPPORT) Working Group will address these (and
> related issues) by defining a standard mechanism for clients to
> interact with Captive Portals, including how to connect to the captive
> portal and how to communicate with it to obtain status information
> such as remaining access time, purchased bandwith class, etc.
> This working group will seek participation and input from browser /
> operating system vendors, captive portal developers and operators.
> One of the known challenges is that some captive portal operators may
> not want to use a standard interaction protocol, preferring to perform
> more intrusive interception and interactions. We are hoping that the
> benefits to CP standardization outlined here are sufficient to not
> only encourage input from CP developers and operators, but also aid in
> deployment.
> Milestones:
> TDB: Initial problem statement / use case document [0]
> TBD: Initial terminology document [1]
> TBD: Initial portal interaction document (perhaps based upon
> http://coova.org/CoovaChilli/JSON ?)
> TBD: Extended portal interaction document (for systems without browsers)
> [ Each of these milestones is actually Initial draft -> WGLC -> IESG, etc ]
> [0]: Primarily to ensure that we are understand what we are trying to
> accomplish / working to the same goal. This may or may not become an
> RFC...
> [1]:  We have already discovered that we have issues here - what's the
> webpage after the CP has granted access called? What's the "lease"
> time called -- different vendors have different names for things.
> Crappy first pass:
> http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/captive-portals/current/msg00009.html
> ----
> -- 
> I don't think the execution is relevant when it was obviously a bad
> idea in the first place.
> This is like putting rabid weasels in your pants, and later expressing
> regret at having chosen those particular rabid weasels and that pair
> of pants.
>   ---maf
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