On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 5:33 AM Kyle Larose <k...@agilicus.com> wrote:
> > Also curious is that "User Equipment" is defined in Section 2.1, but not
> > shortened to "UE" anywhere other than in Section 3.5.
> >
> We should be consistent throughout the document. If it aids
> readability, I have no problem changing it to UE. Do you think that
> would help?

Actually since there's only "UE" present in the one section, I would
simply expand it there so it matches the rest of the document.

> > In Section 4.1, what's an "RA"?
> >
> >
> Router Advertisement (rfc4861). This section is discussing workflows
> related to https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-capport-rfc7710bis-02,
> which describes how router advertisements would be used in more
> detail.
> I suppose using the full term here would help clarify, though there is
> also an opportunity to reference rfc4861 -- I'm not sure whether
> that's necessary, since presumably someone seeking further
> clarification would read rfc7710bis, which references rfc4861. I'm
> happy to add the reference if you think it's necessary.

Either.  I just meant the acronym is introduced but not defined
anywhere.  Even saying "RA (Router Advertisement)" would be an
improvement, but a citation is also a great idea.


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