Hi Steve,

Glad you’re testing is going well so far.

> On Jul 7, 2020, at 6:03 AM, Steve Haskew <st...@boaz.org.uk> wrote:
> Hi Tommy,
> I have now been doing some testing of our solution with iOS 14 and it has 
> been fairly straightforward in getting it all working at a basic level!
> I have a couple of observations/queries:
> Just to confirm, are you not yet supporting any of the informational elements 
> (venue info URL, seconds remaining etc) since you say the user experience is 
> not changing? Despite setting these values I am not seeing any difference.

That’s expected. The iOS 14 beta doesn’t include any changes to the Wi-Fi 
settings. There are ways to check for the values being parsed in system logs if 
you want to confirm, however. 

> Secondly I have on a few occasions been directed by probe instead of via the 
> API. I am working to replicate this with packet capture etc so that I can 
> determine whether it’s variation in my setup or any kind of bug, but it is 
> also likely just because I am repeatedly logging in and out and jumping on 
> and off the network in question! Do you know what the criteria is (timeout 
> values on the API request, any retries on the API request? etc.) for fallback 
> to probe method?

If you can submit a feedback/bug with system logs attached when you see this 
behavior, we can look into it. There are various error heuristics for when we 
fail to receive a valid API connection. Likely we’re hitting one of those, but 
it would be good to confirm which.

> Thanks for your efforts in getting this implemented!

Thanks for implementing it too!

> Steve
>> On 22 Jun 2020, at 22:30, Tommy Pauly <tpa...@apple.com> wrote:
>> Hello CAPPORT,
>> I wanted to highlight an announcement we’ve made for the betas of iOS and 
>> macOS released today:
>> How to modernize your captive network 
>> <https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=q78sq5rv>
>> The betas for iOS and macOS support both draft-ietf-capport-rfc7710bis and 
>> draft-ietf-capport-api by default. This doesn’t change the user experience 
>> of logging onto captive networks, but the system will request the DHCP 
>> options and handle the RA option, and will prefer using the Captive Portal 
>> API Server interaction over having a probe that is intercepted.
>> If you have a portal system that is already implementing the CAPPORT 
>> features, please test out these betas and let us know if you see any issues! 
>> And if you have a captive portal solution, we’d encourage you to start 
>> supporting this soon.
>> Best,
>> Tommy
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