The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'Captive Portal Architecture'
  (draft-ietf-capport-architecture-10.txt) as Informational RFC

This document is the product of the Captive Portal Interaction Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Murray Kucherawy and Barry Leiba.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary:

This document defines terminology related to the operation of a captive portal.
Using those terms, it then defines how a network that deploys a captive portal
should work.

Working Group Summary:

This document was difficult to reach consensus on.  The complexity of the
architecture here is reflective of a far greater complexity in practice of

More contentious in discussion was the question of what signals from the network
would be provided and what clients might do in response to those signals.  The
hard reality of the situation is that clients will be forced to use the existing
heuristics they use, likely indefinitely, even when the mechanisms we define are
in relatively wide deployment.

A particularly difficult discussion was the option for a network to signal that
conditions have changed.  There was considerable discussion about the security
properties of unsolicited signals from the network, how that related to the
identification of endpoints (or User Equipment to use the terminology here), and
how these signals might be turned to malicious ends.

In the end, we decided to document requirements for how User Equipment is
identified and how to avoid identifier spoofing.  A high-level design and
security requirements for a signal from the network about changed conditions was
also documented, but no mechanism that met these requirements was proposed and
the working group decided to proceed to publication without a specific

Document Quality:

This document has not had a whole lot of attention from editors over time, and
editors have changed.  This shows in some editorial aspects of the document, but
aside from a few areas in which things like terminology are inconsistently
capitalized, the document is in good shape.  The current editors have made some
significant improvements.


Martin Thomson is document shepherd.  Barry Leiba is the responsible Area 

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