Jason, Jason, Yiu,

Based on the previous email thread, may I suggest a couple of items to improve 
the BoF proposal (wiki/agenda) ?

- I guess that there will be more than 50 people based on the initial reactions

- adding capport as conflict to be avoided for the BoF

- adding a link to draft-lee-randomized-macaddr-ps

- assuming that it is too early to form a WG, please state the status of ‘non 
WG forming’

- putting  the description & agenda on the wiki 
https://trac.tools.ietf.org/bof/trac/wiki before this Friday 2nd of October 

- starting to find a potential chair who is not a proponent

- Adding discussion about privacy impact on the agenda is important or even 

- adding IEEE coordination is also important (could be handled before the 
potential BoF)

More specific to draft-lee-randomized-macaddr-ps-01, here are a couple of 
comments (mostly details):

  *   MAC addresses are not always 48 bits long
  *   MAC addresses are not always assigned by manufacturers (think VM)
  *   Suggest to distinguish between ‘stable’ and ‘static’ and ‘persistent’ MAC 
  *   Of course BCP 14 is no more RFC 2119 ;-)
  *   PS-04 is more a requirement than a problem statement

Hope this helps and happy to continue the discussion of course ;-)

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