On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 10:57 PM, Senaka Fernando <sen...@wso2.com> wrote:
> Hi Pradeep,
> On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Pradeep Fernando <prad...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> hi,
>> On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 10:21 PM, Afkham Azeez <az...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> > Code in the branch is live. At least some of it. This is where we will
>> > develop new version of existing components. So I don't see anything
>> > wrong
>> > with, the 1.0 version of a new component being there.
>> > Azeez
>> Your browser is not able to display this multimedia content.
>> +1 for this idea. it will increase the effective work that is put in
>> to develop a component for sure.
>> but, when you are working on a component, sometimes they dont stand
>> alone (It might want to change some code in the carbon core component
>> to get things correct.)
>> we can do some version changes for those. (like we patched the carbon
>> core for chunk2 release).
>> but then again branch will show the characteristics of the trunk. As
>> of my understanding distributed version control systems(like
>> git/bazaar...) have a inherent nature for supporting this kind of
>> things.
> git et al. might be good in various aspects, but I'm not sure a git-clone
> would be the right model forward where multiple folks would develop in
> silos.
>> make a copy of the branch in remote repo, develop the component
>> against it. then merge it.
> Referring to what I pointed out above, software with what we work right now,
> cannot make intelligent decisions when more than one party did something new
> (think in terms of 5-6 people, you'll realize the actual problem at hand).
> Thinking in this PoV, svn enforces more rapid updates, and by that the fact
> that you are in-sync with the rest of the world.
yes, agreed. but when we consider about the problem at our
hand(developing against branch, while we dont want to see heavy commit
to it) has characteristics of git et al, things.

it would be nice to have a scenario like this.

I make a copy out from 3.1.0 branch in remote repo (checking out).
develop against my branch copy (commits go in to that copy).
once a week my update my remote branch (if i want to). - note that we
dont expect, branch to get update so often

in this way, i have a place to maintain my all half baked code
(without corrupting the branch), and can merge them to the original
branch once i'm done without major merging issues.

to me this sounds good.

but in our day to day development scenarios, i'm all good with svn.
just that the above use case can be handled better by a git clone.

Some projects allow svn + git source control. I know this is  bit
controversial idea, not sure how practical.

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