On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 10:15 PM, Hasini Gunasinghe <has...@wso2.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 11:13 PM, Amila Jayasekara <ami...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi Azeez,
>> Please find answers inline.
>> Thanks
>> AmilaJ
>> On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 5:59 PM, Afkham Azeez <az...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Can somebody briefly explain what were the changes that were carried out
>> to
>> Carbon core to make this work? Where these ports can be defined
>> The apacheds server code is wrapped as an OSGi bundle in
>> orbit/apacheds component. org.wso2.carbon.ldap.server is the component
>> which is responsible for managing LDAP server. It starts, stops LDAP
>> server, in addition it also does partition management.
> Hi,
>> This component
>> starts before user core in carbon.
Can I please know how have we specified that this component starts before

Hi Hasini,
Please look at felix plugin configuration in
org.wso2.carbon.ldap.server/pom.xml. The <DeployBefore> tag suppose to
do this. But i am also having difficulty recalling where we have
defined term "UserCore". Will get back to you on this after
investigating further.


>> The LDAP server specific configurations reside in a file called
>> embedded-ldap.xml in repository/conf (In <EmbeddedLDAP> configuration
>> segment). You can change parameters like, ports, connection passwords
>> in this file. In addition to LDAP server specific configurations, it
>> also has KDC specific configurations.
>> ,what the following messages mean etc.
>> Log messages starting with org.apache.directory.server.ldap.LdapServer
>> are coming from apacheds implementation.
>> LDAP server needs a schema to construct the initial LDAP tree
>> structure. The default schema for the LDAP server is located at
>> repository/data as a zip file (is-default-schema.zip). Thus when we
>> start server for the first time apacheds component will extract this
>> zip file and create a schema directory. In addition, when we start
>> embedded LDAP for the first time it creates a default partition. The
>> default partition name and other properties are read from the
>> embedded-ldap.xml configuration file (<DefaultPartition>). The latter
>> messages you see in the log are relevant to above actions.
>> How MT ins handled
> I assume MT=Multi-tenancy.
>> Hasini: Please explain how MT is handled with embedded-ldap.
> We have two ways that we can make LDAP user-store multi-tenanted.
> 1. Creating a new partition (i.e new directory tree) for each tenant. This
> is specific to embedded-apacheds because here we use their API.
> 2. Creating a new context ('ou' by default) under same directory tree, for
> each tenant. This is generic because here we use JNDI and hence, not coupled
> with any LDAP server implementation.
> We can use any of the above methods with embedded-ldap comes in core. But we
> can only use the second method above with an external LDAP.
> Let me briefly describe implementation details of two methods.
> 1st Method:
>     i. In tenant-mgt.xml we specify "HybridLDAPTenantManager" as the tenant
> manager which is initialized when the user-core starts. (at
> DefaultRealmService.)
>    ii. At the start of ldap.server component, we register an implementation
> of LDAPTenantManager in OSGi registry, through which managing partitions of
> tenants happens.
>   iii. HybridLDAPTenantManager uses a reference of an above registered
> LDAPTenantManager service, to handle tenant mgt with LDAP.
>   iv. Users and groups of a particular tenant is stored inside its
> partition.
>   v. In stratos-tenant-mgt component, tenant specific user-mgt.xml is stored
> in registry/JDBC database which is used to map the tenant to specific
> partition.
> I have included a class diagram and a screenshot related to this here.
> 2nd Method:
>    i. In tenant-mgt.xml we specify "CommonHybridLDAPTenantManager" as the
> tenant manager which is initialized when the user-core starts.
>   ii. Users and groups of a particular tenant is stored under its context.
>  iii. In stratos-tenant-mgt component, tenant specific user-mgt.xml is
> stored in registry/JDBC database which is used to map the tenant to specific
> context.
> Common remarks regarding both the methods:
> 1. Hybrid approach is used where mapping between tenant and the
> user-mgt.xml, and other meta-data is stored in JDBC database.
> 2. Class names used for tenant manager at each scenario is not that clear.
> We may need to rename them.
> Thanks,
> Hasini.
>> etc. Sorry, I wasn't
>> > following the entire conversation.
>> > [2011-03-05 07:24:03,001]  INFO
>> > {org.wso2.carbon.ldap.server.DirectoryActivator} -  Starting directory
>> > service on port 10389
>> > [2011-03-05 07:24:03,022]  INFO
>> > {org.apache.directory.server.ldap.LdapServer} -  Added Extended Request
>> > Handler:
>> > [2011-03-05 07:24:03,106]  INFO
>> > {org.apache.directory.server.ldap.LdapServer} -  Added Extended Request
>> > Handler:
>> > [2011-03-05 07:24:03,116]  INFO
>> > {org.apache.directory.server.ldap.LdapServer} -  Successful bind of an
>> > LDAP
>> > Service (10389) is completed.
>> > [2011-03-05 07:24:03,116]  INFO
>> > {org.apache.directory.server.ldap.LdapServer} -  Ldap service started.
>> > [2011-03-05 07:24:03,116]  INFO
>> > {org.wso2.carbon.apacheds.impl.ApacheLDAPServer} -  LDAP server started.
>> > [2011-03-05 07:24:03,139]  INFO
>> > {org.wso2.carbon.apacheds.impl.ApacheDirectoryPartitionManager} -
>> >  Partition
>> > directory -
>> >
>> > /Users/azeez/projects/wso2/org/trunk/carbon/products/appserver/modules/distribution/target/wso2appserver-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT/repository/data/org.wso2.carbon.directory/root
>> > already exists.
>> > [2011-03-05 07:24:03,140]  INFO
>> > {org.wso2.carbon.apacheds.impl.ApacheDirectoryPartitionManager} -
>> >  Partitionroot created from existing partition directory. <--
>> > Partitionroot
>> > or Partition Root
>> > [2011-03-05 07:24:03,211]  INFO
>> > {org.wso2.carbon.apacheds.impl.ApacheDirectoryPartitionManager} -
>> >  Partitionroot added to directory service.
>> Do we have to show all these INFO messages?
>> We can get rid of some of above log messages, if you think that they
>> are redundant. We can suppress the INFO messages comming from apacheds
>> implementation in log4j properties file. Also we can remove some log
>> messages from the code.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Afkham Azeez
>> > Senior Software Architect & Senior Manager; WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com,
>> >
>> > Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://www.apache.org/
>> > email: az...@wso2.com cell: +94 77 3320919
>> > blog: http://blog.afkham.org
>> > twitter: http://twitter.com/afkham_azeez
>> > linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/in/afkhamazeez
>> >
>> > Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>> >
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