On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Amila Suriarachchi <am...@wso2.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 4:40 PM, Paul Fremantle <p...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> 1. Discussed the need to support three scenarios:
>> a) MB co-located inside ESB using p2 to install the component. There seems
>> to be an issue with the client libs getting in the right place. Danushka is
>> following up with Senaka.
>> b) Standalone JMS client. We need a client library packaging. Amila is
>> looking at this
>> c) MB client in ESB, MB across the network. If possible this would be good
>> to have a p2 feature for this.
>> 2) Not clear which JNDI we should be using. Seems like we have two or more
>> JNDIs - QPid property based JNDI, Registry based JNDI (and also probably
>> Tomcat JNDI).
>> Action: Amila - please can you propose which JNDI we should use in
>> scenario 1a) above. Scenario 1b) should use QPid's property based JNDI.
>> 3) Issue with our SQS code not creating durable queues. Action is to try
>> adding { attributes } to our create code to ensure it is durable.
>> 4) SQS access key. 1) Dimuthu is working on getting this right. 2) We need
>> to display the access key (even if its just the username) in the UI
>> alongside the secret key. 3) test the Amazon sample client with a username
>> longer than 20 digits
>> 5) SQS permissions don't exactly match JMS permissions. So if a user sets
>> a permission via SQS then someone using AMQP directly can bypass. Action:
>> leave as-is and document. If someone really cares then they need to block
>> AMQP access to SQS users.
>> 6) Memory Leak: needs to be fixed asap: Danushka on it
> I saw the Qpid 0.10 RC in the qpid list. So I think it is better to test
> this memory leak against that first.
> I there is not memory leak we can upgrade to that version. If this problem
> still there we can report it as a blocker.

I did the same test and found this problem exists with the Qpid 0.10 rc as
well. I have reported the bug there and
they have created a blocker[1] with an explanation to the problem.

So I think first we need to fix this issue in Qpid and move to the fixed
version in carbon.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QPID-3157

> thanks,
> Amila.
>> 7) User based permissions for SQS: need to change the UI so it doesn't
>> just list users. Action: Amila is looking at this.
>> 8) List Queues/Queue based management: needs role-based permissions. Amila
>> is looking at this.
>> 9) TLS: this is needed by CSG. For MB its obviously important, but if we
>> can't fix it by 1.0 then we will go ahead anyway and fix in a 1.01 or 1.1
>> shortly after. Action: Rajika to look at it.
>> 10) H2. Try a simple test to see if H2 works. This is not highest
>> priority, so lets fix everything else first. Ideally we really need MySQL
>> since neither H2 not Derby are scalable.
>> Amila is going to check with everyone to make sure they are all able to be
>> productive.
>> Paul will work on testing and documenting how it works with ESB.
>> Paul
>> --
>> Paul Fremantle
>> CTO and Co-Founder, WSO2
>> OASIS WS-RX TC Co-chair, VP, Apache Synapse
>> Office: +44 844 484 8143
>> Cell: +44 798 447 4618
>> blog: http://pzf.fremantle.org
>> twitter.com/pzfreo
>> p...@wso2.com
>> wso2.com Lean Enterprise Middleware
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