On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Dimuthu Leelarathne <dimut...@wso2.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> Internal means WSO2 user manager owns the role and has the right to manage
> it, basically edit it and delete it as it wish. External means WSO2 user
> manager does not own the role, it only reads the role.

I tried with the 3.2.0 branch build. When I create a role using Admin
console it create it as *external* and let me edit and delete. is that


> On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Hasini Gunasinghe <has...@wso2.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is the understanding that I have regarding this. Please correct if
>> anything is wrong.
>> Differentiation of roles as external or internal is based on whether we
>> manage user roles in the user store itself or in internal UM database in a
>> hybrid manner.
>> For an example, we find the above use case with LDAP user store where we
>> can either manage roles in LDAP itself or in internal JDBC database in a
>> hybrid manner (basically when user store is read only).
>> In that case, internal role means: if a role is managed in internal UM
>> database in a hybrid manner.
>>                    external role means: if a role is managed in LDAP user
>> store - can be either embedded LDAP or external LDAP.
> Roles defined in embedded LDAP are not external.
> It really doesn't matter whether the underlying implementation is JDBC or
> LDAP. Users should not be worrying about underlying implementation.
> tx,
> dimuthul
>> I think above mail is related to issue:
>> https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-9195. The issue reported there is the
>> default behavior according to above understanding.
>> Because JDBC user store manager handles roles in hybrid manner only when
>> "read only" property is set to true in user-mgt.xml.
>> Thanks,
>> Hasini.
>> On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Amila Jayasekara <ami...@wso2.com>wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> How do we define whether a particular role is internal or external ?
>>> (Role type)
>>> After a chat with Pavithra, we came to following conclusion.
>>> If a role is defined within a server we treat those as internal roles.
>>> If a server reads role information from some other user store we
>>> consider those as external roles.
>>> If above definition is not correct, please advice.
>>> Thanks
>>> AmilaJ
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