
The scenario:
* Within a registry handler we deploy a governance registry stored .car
file to a remote ESB. (There can be several ESB s and based on the API call
to GREG, we decide on the ESB instance)
* right now we keep remote ESB servers credentials as ,
          - URL
          - username
          - password.

and during the client invocation we use these to get hold of the admin
cookie and upload the .car file.

This works fine, but my concern is,

* I dont set the set the system properties such as
"javax.net.ssl.trustStore" since they are already available in the greg
runtime. So, I can;t configure these per
 ESB. (All the remote ESB s as well as the GREG instance has the same set
of values for the properties, javax.net.ssl.trustStore,
javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword, etc). I see this as a problem.

* The URL, username and password of each remote instance are stored as a
registry artifact in plain text.

 How can I improve the above given scenarios ? Suggestions please.

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