On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Pradeep Fernando <prad...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> The scenario:
> * Within a registry handler we deploy a governance registry stored .car
> file to a remote ESB. (There can be several ESB s and based on the API call
> to GREG, we decide on the ESB instance)
> * right now we keep remote ESB servers credentials as ,
>           - URL
>           - username
>           - password.
> and during the client invocation we use these to get hold of the admin
> cookie and upload the .car file.
> This works fine, but my concern is,
> * I dont set the set the system properties such as
> "javax.net.ssl.trustStore" since they are already available in the greg
> runtime. So, I can;t configure these per
>  ESB. (All the remote ESB s as well as the GREG instance has the same set
> of values for the properties, javax.net.ssl.trustStore,
> javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword, etc). I see this as a problem.

you don't have to configure a keystore for  each an every ESB. if they use
different certificates then you need to import the certificate to the
keystore. Since all carbon produces share the same certificate it works.

> * The URL, username and password of each remote instance are stored as a
> registry artifact in plain text.

this is a problem. you may define some content type called password and use
a registry handler to encrypt/decrypt that.


>  How can I improve the above given scenarios ? Suggestions please.
> thanks,
> --Pradeep
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