Hi Susheel and the others on the list,
If you feel that what I did was to "fish for customers on a GPL list I am sorry but that was not the intention."


Susheel John wrote:

Hi Sarath

I have nothing against proprietary software , please dont get me wrong.
But using a GPL discussion forum to promote ones commercial solution is not in line with the ethos of the "open source" community. By fishing for potential users of care 2x from this mailing list and making them customers of a proprietary solution would eventually result in the death of this project.

If AJAX features are not available on care2x , then we should all work towards getting that incorporated into care2x rather than find a suitable alternative in a Proprietary and Closed source solution.

Is it not a shame that despite India being a leading exporter of software there is no implemenation of a robust solution like care2x worth mentioning in our country ?.
I close with a few lines from Gitanjali by Tagore

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection:
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is lead forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action—
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.


On 1/9/06, *Sarath Chandra K* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi Susheel,
         You are right that the solution that we have is a Proprietary
    solution, but we provide the source to our customers under adequate
    controls (to ensure that the code is not released from the client by
    accident or intention). Extension of our product is possible by
    implementing some of the APIs directly and making modifications to the
    UI by themselves.

        We support our customers through various communication tools like
    wikis, feature/bug lists, rss feeds, etc to give a continuous hold
    what is happenning with the development. We follow many processes that
    you would expect in OSS environments, so I believe for our
    customers we
    provide an open solution that they donot have to be dependent upon in
    the case of lack of support from us at some point in time in the

         As for my post, I was only seconding your thought that using
    adds a lot of value to the user's perspective in terms of usability.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Susheel John wrote:

    > Hi Sarath
    > //
    > /is not your product using AJAX a "*CLOSED and Proprietary*"
    > ?, correct me if I am wrong. /
    > /susheel/
    >  1/6/06, *Edmundo Barbosa* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    > <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
    >     I would like more details about AJAX and
    >     inventory, pharmacy and billing modules
    >     Thank you
    >     Edmundo Barbosa
    >     */Sarath Chandra K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>/*
    >         Hi,
    >         With our product we have been using AJAX from around
    2003 and the
    >         inventory, pharmacy and billing modules are very easy for
    >         users to use.
    >         Sarath.
    >         Susheel John wrote:
    >         > HI /"However hungry a tiger might be it never eats
    >         Doesnt
    >         > VB kill the web based functionality of Care2x ?,
    unless you have
    >         > used VB.net !. PHP offers so much more FREEDOM to do
    >         as you
    >         > want. With AJAX you can have a real time billing a nd
    >         inventry thats
    >         > simply world class.
    >         >
    >         > regards susheel
    >         >
    >         >
    >         >
    >         > On 1/5/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    >         > *
    >         >
    >         > > wrote:
    >         >
    >         > Hi
    >         >
    >         > I am Ashley Leonard working for my own company (in South
    >         Africa) ,
    >         > promoting OS products. Yes I think there is always
    benefit to
    >         > develop in Open languages. Pls send me more detail on
    what you
    >         > have done with VB ('Very Bad') and we can re-write in
    an OS
    >         > language like php.
    >         >
    >         > Cheers Ashley
    >         >
    >         > Original Message: ----------------- From: Florencio
    >         > [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Date:
    >         Tue,
    >         > 03 Jan 2006 16:28:05 -0600 To:
    >         > care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
    >         <mailto:care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
    >         > Subject: Re:
    >         > [Care2002-developers] ^ 3 Implementaciòn
    >         >
    >         >
    >         >
    >         >
    >         > http-equiv="Content-Type">
    >         > bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> Estimados,
    >         Mi nombre es
    >         > Florencio Marchelli y si bien soy de Mar del Plata
    >         > estoy viviendo en Costa Rica y trabajando como Gerente
    de TI
    >         en el
    >         > primer hospital universitario de la región.
    >         Nosotros
    >         > implantamos el Care 2X con muchísimo éxito y hemos
    hecho un
    >         > desarrollo en Visual Basic que se conecta con la base de
    >         datos del
    >         > Care 2X para los procesos de facturación, inventarios,
    >         > reportes estadísticos y demás que nos pedían acá.
    >         > Utilizamos VB porque era la herramienta que teníamos a
    mano y la
    >         > que ya conocían los dos programadores que tengo acá.
    La idea es
    >         > pasar eso a una plat aforma de programación más
    "open", pero
    >         no por
    >         > ahora porque no nos alcanza el tiempo.
    >         Si les sirve,
    >         > podríamos trabajar colaborativamente para mejorar estos
    >         anexos al
    >         > Care2X y beneficiarnos todos.
    >         Que opinan?
    >         > Florencio
    >         Dear all,
    >         >
    >         My name is Florencio Marchelli, I´m from Argentina but I´m
    >         > living in Costa Rica and I´m a IT manager for the first
    >         > Universitary Hospital in Central American region.
    >         We end
    >         > the implementation of Care 2X with success and we made a
    >         > complimentary development using Visual Basic by connecting
    >         the Care
    >         > 2X database with billing, inventary, supply chain and
    >         statistics
    >         > processes the administration needed.
    >         We used VB because
    >         > it´s the tool our programmers know better. Our project
    is to
    >         > change it to another more "open" programming platform, but
    >         no for
    >         > now because we are lack of time.
    >         If You think it´s
    >         > usefull, we can work together to improve this
    complements for
    >         > Care2X and get benefits from this effort.
    >         What do you
    >         > think?
    >         Florencio
    >         Paulo Luis Mariano Pérez
    >         > escribió:
    >             > type="cite">
    >             Estimado Lic.
    >             Cual es tu nombre y
    >             > profesion?
    >             Mi nombre es Paulo Perez, soy analista de
    >             > sistemas y soy de Posadas, Misiones. Te cuento que
    >             > analizando el Care2x, lo tengo instalado en mi Pc
    y funciona
    >             > bastante bien. Lo unico que presento
    inconvenientes es la
    >             > generacion de codigos de barras en general, cosa
    que no
    >             he revisado
    >             > a fondo aún
    >             Quisiera que me amplies el tema de las
    >             > estadisticas que mencionas en tu correo
    >             Estoy muy
    >             > interesado en recibir informacion acerca de los flujos
    >             de trabajo
    >             > del hospital para poder implementarlo en un hospital
    >             publico de
    >             > aqui de posadas. Quizas vos puedas darme esa
    >             >
    >             El día 27/12/05, *
    >> class="gmail_sendername">Lic. F.L. Princich* <
    >             [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >             escribió:
    >                 > class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid
    >                 rgb(204, 204,
    >                 > 204); margin: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; padding-left:
    >                 hola
    >                 > Daniel y Albeiro, ayer lo hice arrancar al
    Care2x en
    >                 mi pc, instale
    >                 > el phptriad y dpues cree la db e i nstale el
    >                 sistema. todo muy
    >                 > bien.
    >                 TE comento que en el sitio
    >                 > target="_blank">care2x.org <http://care2x.org>
    <http://care2x.org/>, hay
    >                 muy poca
    >                 > info en español sobre la configuracion del
    >                 es decir yo
    >                 > necesito la configuracion necesaria para
    >                 implementarlo en un
    >                 > hospital de aca. configurar servicios, camas,
    >                 medicos, etc.
    >                 >
    >                 Les comento tambien, que me esta rondando en la
    >                 cabeza, desde
    >                 > que probe el sistema, fuertes ideas o ganas de
    >                 migrar lo que ya
    >                 > tengo hecho hacia el sistema care2x, lo que me
    >                 frenando un
    >                 > poco ahora para no hacerlo todavia, son las
    >                 particularidades que
    >                 > tenemos aca en la region, como por ejemplo
    >                 estadisticos,
    >                 > la facturacion, etc. Me decia un amigo que esta en
    >                 el tema de open
    >                 > source que esas necesidades las tengo que poner en
    >                 el sitio de
    >                 > desa rrollo y por ahi se arma un grupo que puede
    >                 desarrollarla. PEro
    >                 > bueno, son cosas que las deberia ir viendo mas
    >                 adelante.
    >                 >
    >                 Por otra parte, si alguien de argentina estan en
    la lista,
    >                 > alguien que lo haya implementado en argentina, me
    >                 interesaria de
    >                 > sobre manera contactarme con esa persona, de ese
    >                 modo preguntarle
    >                 > algunas cosas especificas; como por ejemplo los
    >                 informes
    >                 > estadisticos que a nivel nacional solicitan, etc.
    >                 >
    >                 Saludos, mas que cordiales, para todos.
    >                 Buena
    >                 > Vida!!!
    >> id="q_1086c401e0e47246_1">
    >                 On
    >> 12/24/05, *root* <
    >> href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "
    >> target="_blank"> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >> > wrote:
    >> class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid
    >                     rgb(204, 204,
    >> 204); margin: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; padding-left:
    >                     1ex;">El Sáb 24 Dic
    >> 2005 13:54, Dr. med. Daniel Hinostroza C. escribió:
    >> > Hola Albeiro y Fernando,
    >                     Ya hallé el enlace para
    >> > XAMPPlite. Está en:
    >                     HYPERLINK
    >                     "
    >> . org/ipa" target="_blank">
    >> > t hcare/iPath-care2x.zip
    >                     La dirección que
    >> > Albeiro escribió apunta al XAMPP completo.
    >                     El XAMPPlite
    >> > de salud libre tiene dentro a iPath y Care2x.
    >> >
    >                     Saludes a todos,
    >                     Daniel
    >> >
    >                     _____
    >                     De: Ing. Aranzazu [mailto:
    >> onclick="return
    >                     top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)"
    >> href="mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "
    >> target="_blank"> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >> ]
    >> > Enviado el: Viernes, 23 de Diciembre de 2005 16:54
    >                     Para:
    >> > onclick="return
    >                     top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)"
    >> href="mailto:care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
    >> "
    >> target="_blank">
    >                     care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
    >> > Asunto: [Care2002-developers] Implementaciòn
    >> > este es el enlace para descargar el XAMPP
    >                     HYPERLINK
    >> > "
    >> href="
    >> target="_blank">
    >> >
    >                     buena suerte..y felices fiestas para todos...
    >> >
    >                     Ing. Albeiro Aranzazu
    >                     Buenaventura -
    >> > Colombia
    >> >
    >                     movistar (57) 3155880889
    >                     Desde Venezuela y la UCV felices pascuas y
    >                     prospero año nuevo
    >> 2006
    >                     Me encuentro revisando toda la informacion
    sobre su
    >> sistema publicada en la
    >                     web y quisiera colaborar con la
    >> implementacion del sistema en Venezuela.
    >                     Lo mas problable es
    >> que existan personas trabajando ya en el pais
    >                     sobre el
    >                     tema
    >> pero seria interesante aportar ideas y
    >                     conocimientos a su
    >                     &g t; extranet.
    >                     Alejandro Alvarado
    >                     IMF -Facultad de Ingenieria de
    >> la UCV
    >                     04164065934
    >> -------------------------------------------------------
    >                     This
    >> SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you
    >                     grep through log
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    >                     for problems? Stop! Download the new AJAX search
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    >> web. DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
    >> href="http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_idv37&alloc_id%16865&opclick
    >                     "
    >> _______________________________________________
    >> Care2002-developers mailing list
    >> href="mailto:Care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
    >> "
    >> target="_blank">Care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
    >> onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink
    >                     (window,event,this)"
    >> target="_blank">
    >> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/care2002-devel
    >                     opers
    >             >
    >             --
    >             Atentamente,
    >             > Paulo Pérez
    >         >
    >         >
    >         >
    ------------------------------------------------------- This
    >         SF.net
    >         > email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through
    log files
    >         > for problems? Stop! Download the new AJAX search
    engine that
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    >         > DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
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    >         <mailto: Care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
    >         >
    >         >
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/care2002-developers
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    >         >
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    >         >
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    >         >
    ------------------------------------------------------- This
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    >         > for problems? Stop! Download the new AJAX search
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    >         > _______________________________________________
    >         > Care2002-developers mailing list
    >         > Care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
    >         <mailto:Care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
    >         >
    >         >
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/care2002-developers > <https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/care2002-developers
    >         >
    >         >
    >         >
    >         >
    >         > -- Dr Susheel Oommen John MD The Leprosy Mission Trust
    India 16
    >         > Pandit Pant Marg New Delhi 110 001
    >         -------------------------------------------------------
    >         This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep
    >         through log files
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    >         SPLUNK!
    >         http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_id=7637&alloc_id=16865&op=click
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    >         _______________________________________________
    >         Care2002-developers mailing list
    >         Care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
    >         <mailto:Care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/care2002-developers
    >     Edmundo Barbosa
    >     Tel. 083 3042-4258  / 8802-1889
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    >     Yahoo! doce lar. Faça do Yahoo! sua homepage.
> <http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail/br/tagline/homepage_set/*http://br.yahoo.com/homepageset.html
    > --
    > Dr Susheel Oommen John MD
    > The Leprosy Mission Trust India
    > 16 Pandit Pant Marg
    > New Delhi 110 001

    This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through
    log files
    for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
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    Care2002-developers mailing list

Dr Susheel Oommen John MD
The Leprosy Mission Trust India
16 Pandit Pant Marg
New Delhi 110 001

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
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