Hi all,

I had try to install care2x in two GNU/Linux distributions we not success.

The first configuration I had was CentOS5 with php4 (it wasn' t easy to get
php4 to work on CentOS) and Postgesql as the database. After several
attempts I succeeded with the installation, but after I want to test the
program all I get is a blank pages. There is no error message and the logs
say nothing to me, I activated error report in php.ini, but no important
information available.

So I thought maybe there was a problem with the php4 rpm I use on CentOS. So
I decided to go with Debian etch that still support php4. After installing
the software I get the exact same problem, a blank page with no info.

So I was reading the archives of this mailing list and someone resolve this
problem using care2x RC1 instead of RC2, so I did the same thing with no
success. This are the files wich I had try the installation:

I guess this something that happened  to a lot of people before and some of
you may have a solution. I have installed a lot of web application with
linux, php and postges/mysql and haven' t had this problems.

Is there a last release or just this RC?

Here in Ecuador our president strongly supports Free (as freedom) Software
and there is even a decrete that public institution must use Free Software.
Minister of Health in my country is interesting in the modernistion of
public hospitals and they want to interconnect information between
hospitals. Care2x seems to do this, but first I need to installed to see how
it really works. So please help me on this or if you can recomend me a
similar software that is Free (freedom) Software.


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