On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 2:46 AM, coolman coolx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For Rafael:
> For care2x_v2.5_RC1.zip, make sure the sql dump has the insert data. The
> mysql dump didn't have the insert data as part of the dump.

Thanks a lot I would check if it has the instert data for postgresql.

On RC2 I had a problem with a table on the optional Spanish packages. I
solve this using latin1 instead of utf8 on the database. I prefer utf8, but
latin1 works find at the moment.

> Also, check that it connects to your db. If it doesn't connect, you will
> see blank page. We had to fix some of the code for it to connect. The RC1
> And RC2 is quite buggy!

What version should I install for a production envioroment? RC1 and RC2 are
buggy just for the installation or in general?

I am working with rc2 at the moment. Is is connecting to the db, and I know
this because everytime I visit the blank page there is an insert made to
care_config_user table.

We start reading the code of index.php and found that we could have some
kind of debug enableing this variable:

After that we get this info:

(postgres7): SELECT user_id FROM care_config_user WHERE
user_id='CFG48440420714b10.46405800 1212417056.cfg'
(postgres7): SELECT serial_config_data FROM care_config_user WHERE
(postgres7): SELECT type, value FROM care_config_global WHERE type ILIKE
(postgres7): SELECT type, value FROM care_config_global WHERE type ILIKE
(postgres7): SELECT type, value FROM care_config_global WHERE type ILIKE
(postgres7): SELECT user_id FROM care_config_user WHERE
user_id='CFG484404207532d0.48005500 1212417056.cfg'
(postgres7): INSERT INTO care_config_user (user_id, serial_config_data,
create_time) VALUES ('CFG484404207532d0.48005500 1212417056.cfg',
(postgres7): SELECT type, value FROM care_config_global WHERE type ILIKE
(postgres7): SELECT type, value FROM care_config_global WHERE type ILIKE
(postgres7): SELECT type, value FROM care_config_global WHERE type ILIKE
(postgres7): SELECT type, value FROM care_config_global WHERE type ILIKE

I am working with postgres8 and I see that the log refer to postgres7. could
that be a problem? I can do a downgrade of the database on debian, so I
guess I would try that later.

> If you need php4, you can download xamp from www.apachefriends.org. It
> enables you to switch between php4 and php5.  I run ubuntu gusty and it has
> worked for me so far.

Thanks a lot, I solve that problem using debian instead of centos. I preffer
to use the packages of the distribution becuase keeping the distro updated
is easy and it would keep php, apache and postgres updated without any
furder work.

> Installing the older versions, just works. You can mail me at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you need further assistance with the installation.

What older version exactly?

I would, thaks a lot. Is there any irc for care2x where we can chat. It
could be really helpfull for people new to care2x as me and that whant to
try this software.


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