Gjergj Sheldija wrote:
> nice theme :)
> apart the humour...
> except that they have clearly infringed the GPL not giving the source code

mycare2x.com seems to be based in Germany (their address is: An der 
Weinleite 5a, 85560 Ebersberg, Germany)

Knowing both German and European Law, it seems very improbable that what 
they are doing is being done without Elpidio Latorilla's authorization.

If that was not the case it would be a simple matter of reporting it to:

As long as Elpidio's is the sole copyright owner of
all of Care2x's code (both the code written exclusively by him, and any 
other piece of code contributed by anyone else), he can license it under 
any other conditions (open or closed) that he chooses to. Those are the 
facts of Copyright Law.

In this aspect Care2x is quite different from Linux, Apache or even
Mozilla, that are collectively owned by groups of people or organizations.


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