Robert Meggle wrote:
> Hi,

Hello Robert,

>> 1. Making Care2x always run in the current stable version of Apache,
>> MySQl/PostgreSQl and PHP should be among the first priorities;
> That is, according to my information given. If not, then it's not a
> headache. Or what do you exactly mean?

Today, at least: Apache 2.2.8 + MySql 5.51 (or PostgreSql 8.3.3) + PHP
Unfortunately the current Care2x code does not install/run over them.

>> 2. Have a clear Howto install Care2x from bare metal (either windows or
>> linux):
>>   - Either you will be using it for serious day-to-day patient
>> management and in that case you need to know (or have access to someone
>> who knows) how to properly install a running Care2x Server.
> Can you explain that more precisely?

Care2x is not a single application (like a game or a spreadsheet), it is
browser accessible code that needs to be generated and served by a stack
of software runing inside a suitable piece of (reliable) hardware.

> Care2x does not comes with xampp "or it's cousins". The issue is that on the
> one hand you should be able to install a linux based system, or you can use
> a preconfigured xampp. In case you have IT department, there is no reason to
> use xampp. In case you don't have, why not?

Do do following seems familiar to you?
Q- "I am not able to install care2x in our server, I have a properly
installed and configured LAMP with Apache 2.2.x + MySql 5.5x (or
PostgreSql 8.3.x) + PHP 5.x it has no problems runing OpenEMR"
A- "That is a know problem. Install Xampp and configure it to use PHP4"

>> 1. Now that it has become a child's play to install Ubuntu Linux either
>> by itself, or on a dual boot machine, or even inside a windows partition,
>>   let's reduce Care2x environment variability (installation, support,
>> maintenance) and agree that the standard Care2x Developers Installation
>> should be made over, for instance, Ubuntu 8.04
> Do you mean that it should be available via apt-get?

No. A simple and detailed and working HowTo would be enough. Like this:
1. Get a server (a box, a psu, a MB, a hard disk, a CD/DVD reader, etc),
2. boot from your prefered OS (try first installing from an OS known to
work well with Care2x) and install it.
3. Install the support stack (Apache, MySQl/PostgreSQl, PHP, etc)
4. Put care2x code in directory X and point your browser to ...install.php
5. follow the instructions given to you by the Care2x install app.
6. When it ends check the installation by pointing your bowser to
testinstall.php and see if you get a big: "OK. All systems running!"

> Yes, but that's not the once and only reason to use adoDB. It's also a
> question of speed. adoDB is faster and has some nice features for developers
> (debugging).

Sure. And the complexity of having to study and keep up with yet another
  piece of software that is not essential to the inner workings of Care2x.

> I would not say that a native mysql connection would be a better way.
> Alternative we could think about the way how ZF is using it, but that would
> be a completely restart of the project. (It does not fit how the sql queries
> are used now)

This is not a case of AdoDB versus ZF, or DBMS-a versus DBMS-b
See this example: if we agree that the common language to write these
emails is english, than a lot of people will have trouble with it but
they will do their best to try to understand and write some emails. But
if we agree that from now on we will write emails in english, or in
german, or in spanish or in mandarim, you may bet that there will be a
lot of people that will just stop caring for a lot of messages (those
not writen in english)

> Forget smarty. It's worse. It's a nice template engine when there is a need
> of template engines.

Do the project's last 2 years confirm that Smarty or AdoDB were such 
good things?
Or was it, once again, more (unneeded) complexity injected in the project?

>> - and the list goes on...  making it so complex that now nobody is able
>> to understand it enough to be able to change a few lines of code and
>> commit it to the CVS.
> I would say that it is not as complex as you describe it here. But if you
> want to add a new module then you should think how the given classes are
> working that your code will fit to the survey.

I can not remember when it was the last time that anyone commented:
   "I have just committed 4 snippets of code and 3 patches. By the way, 
the documentation on how to do it was so clear and the commit process 
was really fast and straightforward..."

>> 3. It is obvious that it is unnecessarily hard to commit changes to the
>> present code tree CVS.
> Actually SVN is even better than CVS.. but:

Here we are having a semantics problem.
By CVS I was meaning Content Versioning System. Any content versioning 
system. Not a particular particular package like SVN, or BAC, or
Bazaar, or whatever.

>> It is obvious that a DISTRIBUTED CVS would, in 2008, serve much better
>> the Care2x project: we have groups in Africa committing to themselves,
>> we have groups in Latin America committing to themselves, we have groups
>> in Germany committing to themselves, we see a loot of emails with code
>> snippets and bug reports that never appear in the Care2x's FAQ, or CVS
>>   , or Wiki.
> ...CVS is working faster for smaller internet connections. That's for East
> Africa the once and only reason. Nothing else. 
> But the East African sources are also mirrowed to the SF SVN.

What can I say?
Perhaps just remember you some of Maslow's words: "If the only tool you 
have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."

>> All these people cannot be wrong, and if they are not wrong than there
>> must be anything keeping them from doing the "proper" thing,
> Could be. Do you have any suggestion?

Yes. Taking a long look at the current best practices and learn from them.
Learn from, for instance, Drupal and from Ubuntu/Launchpad/Bazaar.
Learn how do they work. Learn how do they relate to their user/developer
community. Learn their coding philosophy and their cod release cycles. 
And, above all, learn how they always try to keep it simple and "just 

Best regards,


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