Hello All,

We have a small commited team, which has been working with Care2x during the 
last years. 
When Elpidio handed over his role to me I was initially hesitant, because I am 
not software 
developer but medical doctor. But on the other hand we medical people are the 
ones using 
the software. Elpidio has also medical background as his first profession and 
this tradition will 
continue when in this project the client has been and will be the master :-) 
At the end of the day the fate of the project depends on the clients - if they 
will believe Care2x 
is better for them than other options. Up to today I have believed so after 
screening several 
times other options. Otherwice I would not have given my time for this project.

Robert Meggle has been involved in the project since 2004. He and his team has 
made most 
of the customization in our East African version of Care2x and he has been 
active in the main 
branch as well. All of you who have been in this list know him and his 
contribution very well. 
He will be the project manager from now on. I think it is important that the 
project manager 
knows the technical stuff very well. Also when the line between my role and 
project manager 
role is like a line drawn in the water it is important we know each other well 
and can sort out 
any issues that may come up. 

Gjergj has done most of the software development in the main branch in the last 
couple of years and is producing new ideas all the time. He has shown his 
skills and will 
continue as release manager. 

Claudio has contributed a lot. He was release manager before Gjergj and has 
installations in Italy, where he made most of the localations.  Senthil has 
brought many good 
ideas recently and has promised to work with the software. They will be in the 
development team, which will evolve and decide it's course and roles when we 
see who will 
be active in the project.
Some others have expressed their will to work with the software but it is not 
yet clear to us 
how much and which areas they want to contribute. All should contact Robert 
privately (or in 
this list) about their skills and interest. 

Best Wishes
Mauri Niemi


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