The current ADOdb library is v5.11 on Care2x SVN trunk.
It was v5.10 till about 2 to 3 weeks ago.

When a record is inserted into a table, we use ADOdb's method $db->Insert_ID() 
to get us the last inserted ID where $db is the ADOdb connection object.
The definition of the said method is in classes/adodb/ files and 
is used within ADOdb in two files:-  - Line 44:     $sql .= ','.$conn->Insert_ID(); (for logging) - Line 107:    $conn->lastInsID = 

The specific MySQL driver we are using here is 
The said driver has a class "mysql" that extends the base cass "ADOConnection"
It has the class variable: var $hasInsertID = true;
It also has a class method: _insertid()
This method returns the last insert id and may possibly be for private use.

The default class variables values in the base class ADOConnection are:
     var $lastInsID = false;
     var $hasInsertID = false;   /// supports autoincrement ID?
The latter is however overridden by a re-assignment in the mysql class.

The class method ADOConnection::Insert_ID() is:

   function Insert_ID($table='',$column='')
    if ($this->_logsql && $this->lastInsID) return $this->lastInsID;
    if ($this->hasInsertID) return $this->_insertid($table,$column);
    if ($this->debug) {
     ADOConnection::outp( '<p>Insert_ID error</p>');
    return false;

>From the above it is clear that for the _insertid() to work, it should have 
>the table name and column name provided otherwise we have to check out what 
>defaults it will take.


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