Hi CARET experts,


         I am try to convert Freesurfer labels (lh.MT.label ) to 164k_fs_LR.
The steps are as follows:


1.       Make a folder named lMT, then copy lh.MT.label to it.

2.       caret_command -file-convert -fsl2c  .
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/fsaverage/surf/lh.pial  lh.MTp.paint. this
command creat the lh.MTp.paint file.

3.       caret_command  -deformation-map-apply
fsaverage.L.registered-to-fs_LR_fix.164k_fs_LR.deform_map  PAINT
lh.MT.paint  lh.164k.MT.paint

I got the hint:

" DEFORMATION MAP APPLY ERROR: Individual directory is invalid. Change the
individual directory to the directory containing the individual spec
file.Atlas directory is invalid.  Change the

atlas directory to the directory containing the atlas spec file."


what's the relationship between the command and directory?  Could anyone can
tell me how to use the command "-deformation-map-apply" or help me achieve
my goal?







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