On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:33:42PM +0100, Pierre Lorenzon wrote:
>   Extrait de la doc d'ecasound que n'importe qui peut consulter
>   me semble-t-il : 
>       -eal:limit-%
>               Limiter effect. Limits audio level to 'limit-%'.
>       -ec:rate,threshold-%
>               Compressor  (a simple one).  'rate' is  the compression
>               rate  in decibels  ('rate'  dB change  in input  signal
>               causes  1dB  change   in  output).  'threshold'  varies
>               between 0.0 (silence) and 1.0 (max amplitude).
>       -eca:peak-level-%, release-time-sec, fast-crate, crate
>               A more advanced  compressor (original algorithm by John
>               S. Dyson).  If you give  a value of 0 to any parameter,
>               the   default  is  used.    'peak-level-%'  essentially
>               specifies  how hard  the peak  limiter is  pushed.  The
>               default  of 69%  is good.  'release_time' is  given  in
>               seconds.  This compressor  is  very sophisticated,  and
>               actually the  release time is complex.  This  is one of
>               the  dominant release   time controls,  but  the actual
>               release  time  is  dependent   on  a  lot  of   factors
>               regarding the  dynamics of the audio  in. 'fastrate' is
>               the  compression  ratio for the  fast compressor.  This
>               is not really  the  compression ratio.  Value of 1.0 is
>               infinity  to  one,  while  the  default  0.50  is  2:1.
>               Another  really good  value  is special  cased in   the
>               code: 0.25 is somewhat  less than 2:1, and sounds super
>               smooth.  'rate' is the compression ratio for the entire
>               compressor chain.    The default is 1.0,  and holds the
>               volume very  constant without many  nasty side effects.
>               However the dynamics  in music are severely restricted,
>               and a value of 0.5 might keep the music more intact.
>               Pierre

Beh tu vois que c'etait pas difficile de répondre, faut juste le vouloir c tout.

Merci Pierre.


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