
I need to migrate JPA service registry  from Apereo CAS  5.2.2 to 6.4, but in this last version , data structures seem to have been replaced by just one table with flat JSON field in a column : no more relationnal structure, or I missed something.
Has anyone here observe the same ?
If the JPA migration is not possible, does it mean I have to use JSON in any way ?

The best hit had met my searches till now is this page : https://fawnoos.com/2021/01/19/cas53-service-registry-migration-to-cas63/ But its content is pretty elliptic and I don't see where to apply the snippet showed in it :  I have an installation based on cas-overlay,  there is no  java file named RegisteredServicesReportController to override...

In short my purpose is as follow : migration services from JPA to JSON

Does anyone faced the same issue ?

Thanks a lot for any clue.

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