I've recently worked through an upgrade from 6.3 to 6.5. I tried to follow
the procedure as advised in the CAS Upgrade Guides

Although I was eventually successful, I did hit a temporary stumbling block
where the gradle tasks were initially failing with "error: release version
11 not supported". Apparently, for our RHEL 7 systems at least, we also now
require java-11-openjdk-devel (and a restart of gradleDaemon if it's
already running), which resolves this. This was not previously required,
and I did not find this in the guides

I also found myself having to resolve logged warnings and errors after my
initial upgrade attempts. These mainly stemmed from cas property names that
changed between releases. I stepped through each of the changelogs though,
and far as I can tell though, none of the property name changes or
differences were mentioned. Did I miss them somewhere? What's the
recommended best way to identify such property changes between releases?

Making things further more difficult, is that I can't seem to find general
cas.properties documentation for 6.5. For previous versions, such as 6.3,
they could usually be found collectively somewhere like <
but I can't find the equivalent for 6.5. The logged errors and warnings
fell into three types: failed to bind properties, configuration keys that
have been renamed, and configuration keys that are no longer supported. I
eventually managed to find enough documentation to resolve all of them
except for one involving:

cas.authn.ldap[0].providerclass =

Although I was able to resolve the error by removing the specific property
(I assume it was deprecated?), I still have not been able to find the
documentation for the ldap properties in general, so I kind of feel like I
just got lucky here. Where/how would I find them in the current

For that matter, what's the recommended best way to find this sort of
documentation for CAS properties in general now?

Baron Fujimoto <ba...@hawaii.edu> ::: UH Information Technology Services
minutas cantorum, minutas balorum, minutas carboratum descendus pantorum

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