Are there any documents about the flow of control when using MFA?
We have configured CAS to optionally show MFA options when the user logs 
in, and this works, but there are a number of problems we would like to 
address, and are unsure how this should work in CAS.

The flow we have at the moment is:
1. User requests to enable MFA
2. User is logged out and taken to the CAS login page
3. User has to configure MFA
4. User is now logged in.

This is somewhat acceptable, but we would prefer to allow users to 
configure MFA when they are already logged in and not force them to login 
again. Is this possible?

The main problem we have is that once MFA is configured, and the user logs 
is and is presented with the MFA check, they always have the option to 
configure another MFA device (we are using at the moment). This defeats the 
purpose of MFA, as if the user's password is compromised, the attacker can 
just configure another device. We are trying and failing to understand how 
this should be configured.

I would be grateful for any pointers.
Thanks in advance.

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