Can also change view to something like this,

    <main role="main" class="container mt-3 mb-3">
        <div layout:fragment="content" id="login">
            <div id="content-message" class="text-center">
th:text="#{cas.mfa.registerdevice.label.title}">Register Device</h5>
                <p th:text="#{cas.mfa.registerdevice.label.intro}">Please 
name the current device.</p>
            <form method="post" id="registerform" 
th:object="${mfaTrustRecord}" th:action="@{/login}">
                <div class="row mb-3">
                    <input type="hidden" id="deviceName" name="deviceName" 
th:field="*{deviceName}" />
                    <div id="expirationField" style="display:none">
                        <input type="hidden" id="expiration" 
name="expiration" value="60" />
                        <input type="hidden" id="timeUnit" name="timeUnit" 
value="DAYS" />
                    <script>document.getElementById("deviceName").value = 
                <div class="my-2 float-end">
                    <button class="btn btn-primary" accesskey="s">
                    <button class="btn btn-secondary novalidate" 
accesskey="k" formnovalidate onclick="$('#eventId').val('skip');">
                    <input type="hidden" id="eventId" name="_eventId" 
value="submit" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="geolocation" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="execution" 
th:value="${flowExecutionKey}" />

On Friday, November 3, 2023 at 5:16:18 AM UTC-5 Chris SC wrote:

> Hello, 
> [version 6.6.13]
> I'm working on the implementation of the MFA with the Google Auth. 
> provider and Trusted Devices.
> I have a question concerning the configuration of Trusted Devices.
> First time the user comes to a 'Register Device' screen (after MFA Google 
> Auth screen), with 2 fields: 
> 1/ Name of the current device 
> ----> I want to hide this one on the template. What is the template name 
> please ?
> 2/ Duration for registered device
> ----> I want to hide this one too, by forcing an expiry time for everyone 
> (30 days)
> I've seen some of previous 6.6 configurations using : 
> cas.authn.mfa.trusted.expiration=30
> cas.authn.mfa.trusted.timeUnit=DAY
> But these 2 parameters are no longer available in 6.6.13.
> I thought that this part was now delegated on the provider side, but I 
> can't find anything on the Google Auth configuration.
> For now, If I take a look at storage, default expiration is 1 year.
> So How to set this parameter for now ?
> [
> {
> "id": 1699003407119,
> "principal": "testuser",
> "deviceFingerprint": "OO5ovcvIZWMPRebiQZGGp6nK2lT1GzElrgtUN87acB8ADGOy",
> "recordDate": "2023-11-03T10:23:27+01:00",
> "recordKey": 
> "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjBjNjQyMzg3LTM3M2EtNDZkZi1iOGM3LTEyNGNlZmJiMDhlNyJ9.ZXlKNmFYQWlPaUpFUlVZaUxDSmhiR2NpT2lKa2FYSWlMQ0psYm1NaU9pSkJNVEk0UTBKRExVaFRNalUySWl3aVkzUjVJam9pU2xkVUlpd2lkSGx3SWpvaVNsZFVJdIUWhmMmt1dWFlQTQ0TFNjTmhnRDFHb1ZSVW5WejVwSWt0QWsuN3JkWkswX0lTcENaMVQ3a1BFOF9LQQ.hW-Q2nsqjhr0Dnx3LIBJilZgBRoyPAKA8RLN5x2Vtzl44lmizs4-EV-ftwU8jIx7Z7whpTgp6DASz49pc6NO8g",
> "name": "charming_wilson",
> "expirationDate": "2123-11-03T09:23:27.000+00:00"
> }
> ]
> Thanks for your help! 
> Christophe.
> Current MFA trusted devices configuration : 
> ##========================================
> ## MFA / Trusted Devices :
> ##========================================
> cas.authn.mfa.trusted.mongo.clientUri=mongodb://user:x@localhost:27017/cas-mongo-database
> cas.authn.mfa.trusted.mongo.collection=TrustedRepository
> cas.authn.mfa.trusted.mongo.drop-collection=false
> cas.authn.mfa.trusted.core.authentication-context-attribute=isFromTrustedMultifactorAuthentication
> cas.authn.mfa.trusted.core.device-registration-enabled=true
> cas.authn.mfa.trusted.crypto.enabled=true
> as.authn.mfa.trusted.crypto.encryption.key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> cas.authn.mfa.trusted.crypto.signing.key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> cas.authn.mfa.trusted.deviceFingerprint.cookie.crypto.encryption.key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> cas.authn.mfa.trusted.deviceFingerprint.cookie.crypto.signing.key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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