Marvin Addison wrote:
>> I'm not
>> getting the attributes mapped in the resultAttributeMapping.
> I see you're searching at the directory root, which in AD generally
> contains _many_ referrals.  This is a complicated situation for which
> most LDAP components do not have an optimal solution.  The core
> problem is that there is no defined ordering by the Java JNDI provider
> of "real" results and referrals such that if your result set happens
> to have referrals before meaningful results, you will lose them all
> since the JNDI provider throws ReferralException on the _first_
> referral.  A good technical reference for your options is
>, even if it's not
> specific to spring-ldap, person-directory, or CAS.
> Based on my experience with AD issues in CAS, the best option would be
> to set the JNDI environment property java.naming.referral to "throw",
> which will force ordering of normal results _before_ referrals and
> throw com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapReferralException on the first referral
> encountered.  Sadly, none of the LDAP components in CAS supports this
> usage.  Your best bet, then, at present is to attempt to formulate a
> query or queries that will search at higher levels of the directory
> where referrals are unlikely.

Another option might be to query the global catalog (LDAP on port 3268, LDAPS
on port 3269) which contains a subset of attributes of all forest user
entries. If an attribute is not therein and you have influence on the AD
schema configuration you can add it there. Use a decent LDAP client to browse
the GC and see whether it fits your needs.

Ciao, Michael.

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