I have Zimbra 'ZCS' version 7.1.3 CASified with CAS Server v3.4.11 via these 


Authentication and 'single sign-on' works great.

However, zimbra users can not logout of zimbra the 'normal' way:

0) the zimbra web app has a 'Logout' link.  The CASificiation procedure has you 
redefine the URL for that link to https://yourCasServerFQDN/cas/logout

1) when a user clicks the zimbra 'Logout' link, they are taken to the correct 
CAS logout URL

2) if the user then returns to zimbra, they are allowed in without 

I.e. the zimbra webapp's logout link doesn't really work.  To really log out, 
the user must either:
a) close the web browser entirely (meaning all windows and/or tabs), or
b) clear the browser's history,cache,and credentials, or
c) delete the browser's ZM_AUTH_TOKEN and JSESSIONID cookies

The CAS client I'm using with Zimbra is version 3.1.8.

Any idea how I can make it possible for a zimbra user to logout by clicking a 



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