Hey Tom,

Thanks for your input. I noticed on Jasig wiki that LDAP and your mentioned 
JAAS are two different options for configuring CAS authentication. However, we 
need to set up our CAS to check user credentials against our LDAP directory. 
Did you actually rebuild the CAS by using Maven2? I skipped this step and 
directly deployed the modules/cas-server-webapp-3.5.1.war into Tomcat 
container. But the CAS failed to start in Tomcat after I tried  to configure 
deployerConfigContext.xml based on their documents. I am currently working with 
our system team to install maven and then try rebuilding the CAS project in 
case it generates more dependencies in the war bundle.

Best Regards!

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Poage [mailto:tfpo...@ucdavis.edu] 
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 2:32 PM
To: cas-user@lists.jasig.org
Subject: Re: [cas-user] CAS + LDAP initialisation error

Unless you need/want attributes, FWIW I didn't see any meaningful difference in 
performance (with our site anyway) between wiring up the 'native' CAS LDAP 
adapter (fast bind) and using JAAS/LDAP.

The latter was fairly simple:

- set up JaasAuthenticationHandler in deployerConfigContext.xml

- configure your environment as necessary for the JAAS config file e.g.

- the JAAS config file (direct/fast bind):

        edu.vt.middleware.ldap.jaas.LdapLoginModule sufficient

Note that this setup makes/drops a new connection to the directory for each 
authentication (JAAS docs say it should do so for good reason), i.e. connection 
pooling does not apply.

StartTLS for our directory was actually faster than ldaps.

Caveat: I'm fairly new to CAS.


On Jun 14, 2013, at 10:45 AM, Larry <zhan...@duq.edu> wrote:
> Hi Shashank,
> We are in the process of setting up a standalone CAS server with 
> version
> 3.5.1 and we ran into the same problem as you described. Their 
> documents just miss a lot of important details and very confusing. Did 
> you ever fix the problem? And how? Any insight and advice will be much 
> appreciated!

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