Our CAS server has 4 environments: dev, test, demo and live.  I need to be able 
to specify slightly different settings/configs for CAS depending on what 
environment its running in.

The two files where this type of "environment var injection" is needed are:

> src/main/resources/log4j.xml
> src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/view/jsp/myorg/login.jsp  --> our custom login page

For the former (log4j), I need to tune log level differently across 
environments.  For instance, I want DEBUG-level logging on dev, but perhaps 
only WARN or ERROR-level logging on live.

For the latter I need to display slightly different HTML depending on what 
environment CAS is running in.

I believe I can accomplish both of these, somehow, but including a 
spring-configuration/propertyFileConfigurer.xml file that tells CAS to look at, 
say, /opt/cas/cas.properties for its properties.  That way, I can have a 
different props file on each environment's app server.  I'm just not sure what 
properties to include inside cas.properties to accomplish what I need.  I'm 
also not even sure if cas.properties is the right solution for these 2 issues.  
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

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