Correction: it seems to be more reproducible in non-Chrome browsers (IE, FF, 
Safari, etc.)

From: Zac Harvey
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 1:23 PM
To: ''
Subject: CAS: Broken webflow on failed authentication on 4.0.0?

I am on CAS 4.0.0 and am experiencing what I *believe* is a bug in the login 
webflow.  To see this yourself:

1.  Go to (my DEV/dummy CAS 
2.  Enter username of "dummy"
3.  Enter password of "abc" and hit [ENTER] or slick the "Sign In" button
4.  You'll get an error: "The username or password that you supplied is 
incorrect." (the password is bad)
5.  Re-enter the correct password: "12345"
6.  The login form resets!  Both username and password clear, whereas it should 
have logged you in
7.  Re-enter username/password with correct values ("dummy"/"12345" without the 
quotes of course)
8.  About 50% of the time it will allow you to login, and about 50% of the time 
it will just reset the login form again.  If this happens, it will never log 
you in; every time you login with good credentials it will just do a form 
reset.  The only way to fix this is to hit F5 (page refresh), and you can then 
login with success.

This happens in all browsers and does not happen unless your logins fail.  
Anybody know why this could be happening?  Thanks in advance!

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