Hello Julien!

Thank you very much for your answers!

Concerning the LDAP: Now I know the partner company has an LDAP server, I 
just don't know if they can share it with us together with ADFS. If they 
can, fine, I will use the same approach you used. If not, I will try to 
implement a simple in-memory storage, as you suggest.

Concerning the WebFlow beans: I'll try to remove it and see what happens. 
If it still does not work, I will have to learn Spring WebFlow :-)

Thank you once again for your support!

Best Regards,

From:   Julien Gribonvald <julien.gribonv...@recia.fr>
To:     cas-user@lists.jasig.org
Date:   30.06.2014 09:00
Subject:        Re: [cas-user] Integrating CAS with the SAML2 plugin from 

Hello Jarda,

Ok so  :

- for first problem:  The use case is that the idp is passing an attribute 
that can be found in a datasource (for us ldap) that CAS use to find 
users, it's an attibute for the federated identity. In our development we 
considered that the user exist in the CAS datasource, and to find it the 
idp provide the email and we look in an ldap but you can replace all this 
part. For your use case you will have to make some 
implementation/configuration as you will need to save the users parameters 
in a "datasource" (in memory or database or ...) that CAS will be able to 
obtain easily during at list all the user session - look at the persondir 
lib in this case there are several tools to define a user from several 
datasources - or maybe save user's informations in a datasource. That is 
needed because the CAS won't request again the users parameters to the idp 
since the user is authenticated, this isn't intended and i don't know if 
it will be possible to request each times the saml attribute from the idp. 
Our development is a specific use case but you should be able to replace 
some part by custom or CAS classes.

For the sources you shoul be able to find all from : 
after it uses some CAS module like cas-server-support-ldap that you should 

- for the second : It's a cutom change to be able to authenticate over the 
cas from different CAS domains name but sharing the same sessionId over 
all (sub-)domain names that we manage, so you can remove this part and all 


Julien G.

Le 27/06/2014 18:02, Jaroslav Kacer a écrit :
Hello Julien (and others)!

I have already achieved a state when CAS starts without problems with the 
plugin, however it throws an error when the user accesses the /login page.
I'd like to ask two more questions about the plugin configuration.

1. Configuration in deployerConfigContext.xml:

You provided me (see your email from 24/06/2014 12:38) with 2 Spring beans 
that should be inserted into deployerConfigContext.xml: 
emailAddressesCredsToPrincipal, which goes to 
ldapEmailAddressesAuthenticationHandler, which goes to 

Concerning ldapEmailAddressesAuthenticationHandler, I don't quite 
understand its purpose. I have looked into the source and it seems it only 
communicates with an LDAP server. Does it mean the plugin requires an LDAP 
server in addition to the SAML IdP? Because I expected that all user 
attributes would come from the IdP as attributes. I'm afraid I will have 
no LDAP server available for people authenticating via the SAML IdP. Or 
maybe I misunderstood something here...

I would assume the deployerConfigContext.xml file will contain a handler 
that communicates with the IdP using SAML messages. But I can't find any 
in the source code, so maybe I am wrong.

2. Configuration in login-webflow.xml - expression initMultiDomainAction

File login-webflow.xml now contains the following definition of 

<action-state id="initializeFlow">
        <evaluate expression="initialFlowSetupAction" />
        <evaluate expression="initMultiDomainAction">
                <attribute name="name" value="initFinished" />
        <transition on="initFinished.success" to="checkSamlResponse" />

When I try to go to the /login page, I get an error and there is the 
following stack trace in the log:

SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [cas] in context with path 
[/cas-web-app] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested 
exception is 
org.springframework.webflow.execution.ActionExecutionException: Exception 
thrown executing [AnnotatedAction@709f98e4 targetAction = 
[EvaluateAction@7deeda7f expression = initMultiDomainAction, 
resultExpression = [null]], attributes = map['name' -> 'initFinished']] in 
state 'initializeFlow' of flow 'login' -- action execution attributes were 
'map[[empty]]'] with root cause

        at ognl.OgnlRuntime.getProperty(OgnlRuntime.java:2210)
        at ognl.ASTProperty.getValueBody(ASTProperty.java:114)
        at ognl.SimpleNode.evaluateGetValueBody(SimpleNode.java:212)
        at ognl.SimpleNode.getValue(SimpleNode.java:258)
        at ognl.Ognl.getValue(Ognl.java:494)
        at org.springframework.webflow.engine.State.enter(State.java:194)
        at org.springframework.webflow.engine.Flow.start(Flow.java:535)

A colleague who is familiar with Spring WebFlow says there should be a 
Spring bean named "initMultiDomainAction" defined somewhere, most likely 
in cas-servlet.xml, but there is not any. I merged everything from 
cas-servlet-saml2.xml, there is no such bean. Isn't it an omission? Could 
you please have a look into your complete cas-servlet.xml, if there is 
such a bean?

Thank you very much for your answer!

Best Regards,

From:        Julien Gribonvald <julien.gribonv...@recia.fr>
To:        cas-user@lists.jasig.org
Date:        24.06.2014 12:53
Subject:        Re: [cas-user] Integrating CAS with the SAML2 plugin from 

One more information to the use of pac4j, you can look at 
this explain how to integrate in CAS 4 pac4j with somes examples (not the 
SAML but it's a begining).

But if you go on this solution please give a feed back ;)

Julien Gribonvald

Le 24/06/2014 12:38, Julien Gribonvald a écrit :

I would suggest that you look at pac4j, it should replace the SAML plugin 
developped by Maxime in the furtur for our use (Maxime worked for us in 
this plugin before something more "generic" as pac4j comes). This 
"toolbox" (i see it like that) will help to use the last version of CAS as 
the Maxime's plugin should be reviewed for version of CAS after 3.4.x. 
After I don't know if we can use it for that, but maybe Jérome Leleu could 
give some words of this use or point to a documentation ?

Else for the use of this pluugin see in attachment an example of our SP 
metadata file that we use in production on our CAS (obviously without 
certificates and custom datas, so replace A_DOMAIN_NAME by your domain 
name,ADD CERTIFICATE HERE, and see on other custom datas). 

About IDP it was tested over a shibboleth idp and in production with an 
other idp than shibboleth (seems a fork for private use, or something 
related with ibm, but we don't know a lot about it), but working in the 
same way as all is based on SAML specs so i think this should works.

After about configuration all files that you have to modify and deploy are 
sample-* but i think you don't have to modify a lot, setting all 
properties should do the works.
And the properties in config.properties should be added in the original 
file cas.properties.

If I look on our deployment and something that i don't see in the source 
are :
- in deployerConfigContext.xml : in the bean authenticationManager, in the 
property credentialsToPrincipalResolvers, added the credentialResolver 
mapped to the saml service, we use the 
EmailAddressesCredentialsToPrincipalResolver.java as example :
 <bean id="emailAddressesCredsToPrincipal" 
                <property name="attributeRepository" 
ref="attributeRepository" />

        <bean id="ldapEmailAddressesAuthenticationHandler" 
                <property name="searchBase" value="${ldap.basedn}" />
                <property name="contextSource" ref="contextSource" />
                <property name="principalAttributeName" 
value="${ldap.identifier.attribute}" />

                <property name="timeout" value="5000" />

                <property name="authenticationLdapFiltersArray" 
value="${ldap.authentication.email.filters}" />

- in cas-servlet.xml youd should add the import of cas-servlet-saml2.xml

I hope this will help, but don't hesitate to ask, i can provide some other 

After for the documentation, we have one in french explaining properties 
and how it works but that's all, after you are welcome to make a pull 
request for contributions if you succeed to install the plugin.


Julien Gribonvald

Le 24/06/2014 11:09, Jaroslav Kacer a écrit :
Hello everybody!

I'm trying to integrate CAS and the SAML2 plugin which was discussed in 
this list on Oct 22 2013 by Maxime Bossard (
As I am experiencing some issues, I wonder if someone (possibly Maxime) 
could help me. I have already asked directly in the Google group but the 
message did not propagate to this list, so I am posting the question 

The version of CAS I use is because the plugin's POM file points 
to 3.4.11-RC1 and is the latest version in the 3.4.x line.

I have merged the provided sample XML configuration files with those of 
CAS, also the two properies files, some JSPs and web.xml. Now I am getting 
errors from the plugin complaining about SP metadata. Obviously the plugin 
expects some SAML2 endpoints with various bindings that are not in my SP 

Maxime, could you please provide a list of all expected endpoints with 
their bindings and URLs that should be enumerated in the SP metadata file? 
Or, an example SP metadata file would be even better :-)
Although the error message clearly says what service/binding the plugin 
expects, I don't know how to create the URLs for the bindings. Are they 
fixed or does the plugin first read the metadata file and then uses the 
URLs specified there?

I would also like to ask about the IdP side. I assume you used the plugin 
against Shibboleth. Have you tested it against other IdP servers? I'd like 
to use Microsoft ADFS. Are any special settings needed? (I don't have 
access to the server yet so I cannot test it at the moment.) At the 
moment, I am using an example IdP metadata file from Shibboleth (just to 
make it run) but I will have to adapt it later.

It would be great if the documentation for the plugin could be more 
elaborated, mainly the section "Plugin Configuration". I've already spent 
2 days putting CAS and the plugin together.
Or is there anything else than the ReadMe.md file from Github?

Thank you in advance for your answer!

Best Regards,
   Jarda Kacer, IDC

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