I am using CAS 4.0.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Tomcat7.  I got the quick demo 
working, and now I am trying to configure it for authentication against MySQL.

I am not using the maven overlay; I am not much of a Java developer and could 
not get it to work, so I have simply downloaded the 4.0.0 tar file and grabbed 
the war file out of that, deployed it to Tomcat, and started editing the xml 
files.  Though the overlay is recommended, I hope it is not required and my 
setup should be fine.  I have also installed the mysql connector jar via apt 
(libmysql-java), and grabbed the cas-server-support-jdbc-4.0.0.jar out of the 
cas tar and thrown it into the WEB-INF/lib folder in the CAS installation.

I have MySQL setup with a simple users table, and I have attempted to configure 
CAS in WEB-INF/deployerConfigContext.xml to authenticate against it.  But every 
login attempt gives me "Invalid credentials" on the login page.

I have edited WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml, and I have two log files I can read, 
cas.log and perfStats.log.  (And I am also looking at catalina.out in the 
tomcat logs folder)  I have set every sensible place I can find in log4j.xml to 
a value of "DEBUG", and I still don't seem to get any helpful error messages.  
I do get more messages, but none seem to explain why the authentication is 

I have tried to intentionally set improper credentials to the database in 
deployerConfigContext.xml, hoping to see something indicate failure to connect 
to the database.  However, I see no such message.  This is all I get that even 
seems relevant to a database connection:

DEBUG [org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate] - <Executing prepared SQL 
DEBUG [org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate] - <Executing prepared SQL 
statement [select passwordhash from users
 where lower(username) = lower( ? )]>
DEBUG [org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils] - <Fetching JDBC 
Connection from DataSource>

And then some lines about the authentication failing, with WHO, WHAT, ACTION, 
and so forth - something I'm sure anyone who has looked at CAS logs much at all 
will be familiar with.

And I get that regardless of whether the authentication credentials for the 
MySQL db in the deployerConfigContext.xml file are correct or wrong, with no 

Could anyone offer some advice as to how I can go about figuring out if this 
thing is connecting to the database or not at all?

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