The .NET CAS client doesn't release attributes via the header (like Shib
SP does). Check out

On 8/12/14, 11:02 AM, Haer, Neelam wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thanks - that actually helped.  Not on its own though.  I had, at the
> site-level, disabled the anonymous authentication.  I changed that to
> enabled and added the following to web.config in the <system.web> section:
> <authorization><deny users="?"/> </authorization>
> I restarted the server and now it works.  I am still testing but at
> least this is progress!
> I'm not getting the attributes in my printing of header variables
> though - any ideas why this would be?  Once again, I'm unfamiliar with
> C#/.NET - I come from the world of Java, so my apologies.  Maybe I'm
> missing something, but shouldn't my user attributes be returned in the
> header upon accessing this page?
> Here is my .aspx page code:
> <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
> <html>
> <head>
>     <title>CAS Echo Page</title>
> </head>
> <body>
>     You are logged in using CAS!
>     <hr />
>     <table>
>         <%
> foreach( string key in Request.Headers ) 
>     {
>         %>
>         <tr>
>             <td>
>                 <%= key %>
>             </td>
>             <td>
>                 <%= Request.Headers[ key ] %>
>             </td>
>         </tr>
>         <%
>     }
>         %>
>     </table>
>     <hr />
> </body>
> </html>
> *But it only prints out the following:*
> You are logged in using CAS!
> Connection
> keep-alive
> Accept
> text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
> Accept-Encoding
> gzip,deflate,sdch
> Accept-Language
> en-US,en;q=0.8
> Cookie
> CAS=8D59393D82EA4F4933FD12E20D588D64D8E78B192ED2B5C41A55DE6F87F5013CA3EFE06405CD7DE3C856DDC36EBCD25CB8DE015EC0411C31AE0D1A4BD0C8F58DD714A230E86D00394F8E4B9A155437C99C58842DC6BE43CACA8A81D896D15B9C25D290F9FF4531C130615626B7D964F272CBCF4586287D163803A5CCF6F3668421B73D751D87763A0B010ED4F39FCC93299F1D4DAACDEF34CBB593F59A39D82E3B7BEA59D200253692D8231E533B8E6789B609A9777150140C338F6AF258FC92F670C627CD5F4CC7958F3E6CBA392BB89935D1C5DBF4DAA801956A061FB5798E2AA3233C
> Host
> User-Agent
> Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/537.36
> (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36
> *From:* John Gasper []
> *Sent:* August-12-14 10:30 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [cas-user] IIS and .NET CAS Client module - how to
> register/install the module?
> No, that simply states how to authenticate a user.
> You'll need something like:
> <authorization>
>   <deny users="?"/>
> </authorization>
> Here's a pretty good tutorial on how to set this and other cases up,
> John
> On 8/12/14, 9:39 AM, Haer, Neelam wrote:
>> Hi John
>> Thanks for your reply:
>> I have the following - is this not sufficient to invoke the forms
>> authentication?
>> <system.web>
>>   <!-- Other system.web elements here -->
>>   <httpModules>
>>     <add name="DotNetCasClient"
>> type="DotNetCasClient.CasAuthenticationModule,DotNetCasClient" />
>>     <!-- Other modules here -->
>>   </httpModules>
>> *<authentication mode="Forms">*
>> *    <forms loginUrl="";
>> <> timeout="30"
>> defaultUrl="~/default.aspx" cookieless="UseCookies"
>> slidingExpiration="true" path="/cas/" />*
>> *  </authentication>*
>>   <!-- Other system.web elements here -->
>> </system.web>
>> My apologies if this is a newbie question - I'm not familiar with IIS
>> - I am an enterprise java developer.
>> Thanks 
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* John Gasper []
>> *Sent:* August-12-14 8:27 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [cas-user] IIS and .NET CAS Client module - how to
>> register/install the module?
>> Hi,
>> Maybe I'm missing it, but I don't see anything in your web.config
>> that requires the user to be authenticated to access the app's
>> resources. Take a look at
>> You want to make sure you've got something that denies access to the
>> anonymous (?) user.
>> John
>> On 8/11/14, 4:29 PM, Haer, Neelam wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I was able to fix my original problem (*Description: An error
>>> occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to
>>> service this request. Please review the specific error details below
>>> and modify your configuration file appropriately. *) 
>>> The problem was solved by moving the bin folder to the 'cas'
>>> application directory.  But now, I have a different problem.  CAS is
>>> not kicking in, ie, the module is not forcing authentication.  Does
>>> anyone have any ideas about this?  (see my web.config below).
>>> Thanks,
>>> *From:*Haer, Neelam []
>>> *Sent:* August-11-14 4:00 PM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* [cas-user] IIS and .NET CAS Client module - how to
>>> register/install the module?
>>> Hi All,
>>> I'm having an issue with the .NET CAS Client module, and hoping that
>>> someone here knows what they're doing when it comes to registering
>>> the module in *IIS 7.7/Windows Server 2008*.
>>> I downloaded and unzipped the .NET CAS Client Module, and have a
>>> site setup on IIS 7.4 named 'cas', using HTTPS
>>> 'cas' is setup as an 'application' in IIS.
>>> As per the installation/setup instructions here
>>> (
>>> 1.  I created a web.config file and placed it in the *cas
>>> *application root folder.
>>> 2.  I copied the context of the unzipped
>>> dotnet-client-1.0.2-bin\Release to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\bin
>>> 3.  The contents of the web.config file are at the end of this email.
>>> 4.  I tried to access a page in the  my 'cas' application and I get
>>> the following error:
>>> *Server Error in '/cas' Application.*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *Configuration Error*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *Description: An error occurred during the processing of a
>>> configuration file required to service this request. Please review
>>> the specific error details below and modify your configuration file
>>> appropriately. *
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly
>>> 'DotNetCasClient' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find
>>> the file specified. (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\cas\web.config line 14)*
>>> Source Error: 
>>> Line 12:   <!-- Other system.web elements here -->
>>> Line 13:   <httpModules>
>>> Line 14:     <add name="DotNetCasClient"
>>> type="DotNetCasClient.CasAuthenticationModule,DotNetCasClient" />
>>> Line 15:     <!-- Other modules here -->
>>> Line 16:   </httpModules>
>>> Source File: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\cas\web.config    Line: 14
>>> -- Does anyone know how the module needs to be "registered" properly
>>> in IIS?  I thought just copying it to the bin folder as described in
>>> step #2 would be enough?  Please advise!!!  Thanks.
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>> <configuration>
>>> <configSections>
>>>   <section name="casClientConfig"
>>> type="DotNetCasClient.Configuration.CasClientConfiguration,
>>> DotNetCasClient" />
>>>   <!-- Other custom sections here -->
>>> </configSections>
>>> <casClientConfig
>>> casServerLoginUrl="";
>>> casServerUrlPrefix="https://xxx"; serverName="https://xxx";
>>> redirectAfterValidation="true" renew="false" singleSignOut="true"
>>> ticketValidatorName="Saml11"
>>> serviceTicketManager="CacheServiceTicketManager" />
>>> <system.web>
>>>   <!-- Other system.web elements here -->
>>>   <httpModules>
>>>     <add name="DotNetCasClient"
>>> type="DotNetCasClient.CasAuthenticationModule,DotNetCasClient" />
>>>     <!-- Other modules here -->
>>>   </httpModules>
>>> <authentication mode="Forms">
>>>     <forms loginUrl="";
>>> timeout="30" defaultUrl="~/default.aspx" cookieless="UseCookies"
>>> slidingExpiration="true" path="/cas/" />
>>>   </authentication>
>>>   <!-- Other system.web elements here -->
>>> </system.web>
>>> <system.webServer>
>>> <!--
>>>   Disabled Integrated Mode configuration validation.
>>>   This will allow a single deployment to  run on IIS 5/6 and 7+
>>>   without errors
>>>   -->
>>>   <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />
>>>   <modules>
>>>   <!--
>>>   Remove and Add the CasAuthenticationModule into the IIS7+
>>>   Integrated Pipeline.  This has no effect on IIS5/6.
>>>  -->
>>>   <remove name="DotNetCasClient" />
>>>   <add name="DotNetCasClient"
>>> type="DotNetCasClient.CasAuthenticationModule,DotNetCasClient" />
>>>   <!-- Other modules here -->
>>>   </modules>
>>>         <defaultDocument>
>>>             <files>
>>>                 <clear />
>>>                 <add value="index.html" />
>>>                 <add value="default.aspx" />
>>>                 <add value="Default.htm" />
>>>                 <add value="Default.asp" />
>>>                 <add value="index.htm" />
>>>                 <add value="iisstart.htm" />
>>>             </files>
>>>         </defaultDocument>
>>>         <handlers>
>>>             <remove name="AboMapperCustom-346496207" />
>>>         </handlers>
>>> </system.webServer>
>>> <system.diagnostics>
>>>   <trace autoflush="true" useGlobalLock="false" />
>>>   <sharedListeners>
>>>     <!--
>>>       Writing trace output to a log file is recommended.
>>>       IMPORTANT:
>>>       The user account under which the containing application pool runs
>>>       must have privileges to create and modify the trace log file.
>>>     -->
>>>     <add name="TraceFile"
>>> type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener"
>>> initializeData="C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\DotNetCasClient.Log"
>>> traceOutputOptions="DateTime" />
>>>   </sharedListeners>
>>>   <sources>
>>>     <!-- Provides diagnostic information on module configuration
>>> parameters. -->
>>>     <source name="DotNetCasClient.Config" switchName="Config"
>>> switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
>>>       <listeners>
>>>         <add name="TraceFile" />
>>>       </listeners>
>>>     </source>
>>>     <!-- Traces IHttpModule lifecycle events and meaningful
>>> operations performed therein. -->
>>>     <source name="DotNetCasClient.HttpModule"
>>> switchName="HttpModule" switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
>>>       <listeners>
>>>         <add name="TraceFile" />
>>>       </listeners>
>>>     </source>
>>>     <!-- Provides protocol message and routing information. -->
>>>     <source name="DotNetCasClient.Protocol" switchName="Protocol"
>>> switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
>>>       <listeners>
>>>         <add name="TraceFile" />
>>>       </listeners>
>>>     </source>
>>>     <!-- Provides details on security operations and notable
>>> security conditions. -->
>>>     <source name="DotNetCasClient.Security" switchName="Security"
>>> switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
>>>       <listeners>
>>>         <add name="TraceFile" />
>>>       </listeners>
>>>     </source>
>>>   </sources>
>>>   <switches>
>>>     <!--
>>>       Set trace switches to appropriate logging level.  Recommended
>>> values in order of increasing verbosity:
>>>        - Off
>>>        - Error
>>>        - Warning
>>>        - Information
>>>        - Verbose
>>>     -->
>>>     <!--
>>>       Config category displays detailed information about
>>> CasAuthenticationModule configuration.
>>>       The output of this category is only displayed when the module
>>> is initialized, which happens
>>>       for the first request following application/server startup.
>>>     -->
>>>     <add name="Config" value="Information" />
>>>     <!--
>>>       Set this category to Verbose to trace HttpModule lifecycle
>>> events in CasAuthenticationModule.
>>>       This category produces voluminous output in Verbose mode and
>>> should be avoided except for
>>>       limited periods of time troubleshooting vexing integration
>>> problems.
>>>     -->
>>>     <add name="HttpModule" value="Information" />
>>>     <!--
>>>       Set to Verbose to display protocol messages between the client
>>> and server.
>>>       This category is very helpful for troubleshooting integration
>>> problems.
>>>     -->
>>>     <add name="Protocol" value="Verbose" />
>>>     <!--
>>>       Displays important security-related information.
>>>     -->
>>>     <add name="Security" value="Information" />
>>>   </switches>
>>> </system.diagnostics>
>>> </configuration>
>>> -- 
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>> *John Gasper*
>> IAM Consultant
>> Unicon, Inc.
>> PGP/GPG Key: 0xbafee3ef
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> *John Gasper*
> IAM Consultant
> Unicon, Inc.
> PGP/GPG Key: 0xbafee3ef
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*John Gasper*
IAM Consultant
Unicon, Inc.
PGP/GPG Key: 0xbafee3ef

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