Hi Jaroslav,

Could you post your entire ticket registry cleaner definition?  I tried
setting up a cleaner job patterned after the default ticket registry
cleaner but I am getting

Error creating bean with name 'ticketRegistryCleaner' defined in
ServletContext resource
[/WEB-INF/spring-configuration/ticketRegistry.xml]: Initialization of
bean failed; nested exception is
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanInitializationException: Bean
state is invalid: logoutManager - may not be null

exceptions on startup.  This is what the ticket cleaner definition looks

    <bean id="ticketRegistryCleaner"
        p:ticketRegistry-ref="ticketRegistry" />

    <bean id="jobDetailTicketRegistryCleaner" 
        p:targetMethod="clean" />

    <bean id="triggerJobDetailTicketRegistryCleaner"
        p:repeatInterval="3600000" />

On 11/18/14 6:40 AM, Jaroslav Kacer wrote:
> Hi David!
> We have CAS 4.0.0, also with Eh-Cache-based ticket registry, on a 4-node 
> cluster. Our configuration of EhCache is almost identical to yours.
> Two weeks after our initial deployment, we started getting OOME too, on all 
> nodes. Our system admin measured heap consumption and the resulting graphs 
> show that it is constantly growing until an OOME is thrown out. We gathered a 
> memory snapshot and it showed that majority of the heap was occupied by 
> tickets.
> I switched on a ticket registry cleaner job in ticketRegistry.xml and 
> scheduled it to run every hour:
> <bean id="triggerJobDetailTicketRegistryCleaner" 
> class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SimpleTriggerBean"
> p:jobDetail-ref="jobDetailTicketRegistryCleaner"
> p:startDelay="20000"
> p:repeatInterval="3600000" />
> The documentation at 
> http://jasig.github.io/cas/4.0.0/installation/Ehcache-Ticket-Registry.html 
> says that the cleaner is not necessary when you use EhCache. Now I'm not sure 
> if I can trust it or not. To be sure, I will keep the cleaner active. Do you 
> have the cleaner enabled or not?
> We are going to perform a test that should show if tickets are cleaned or not.
> I have also found that EhCache is able to limit the heap memory consumed by 
> its caches: 
> http://ehcache.org/generated/2.9.0/html/ehc-all/#page/Ehcache_Documentation_Set%2Fco-size_sizing_attributes.html%23
> So I tried the following in ehcache-replicated.xml:
> <ehcache name="ehCacheTicketRegistryCache"
>     updateCheck="false"
>     maxBytesLocalHeap="256M"
>     maxBytesLocalDisk="10G"
>     xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>     xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ehcache.org/ehcache.xsd";>
> Unfortunately, it does not work together with Spring's EhCache support used 
> by CAS. EhCacheFactoryBean always provides a limit of the number of elements 
> (even if we do not specify it), which clashes with the heap memory limit and 
> an error is thrown out on startup.
> In order to use the heap memory limit, we would have to provide a replacement 
> of EhCacheFactoryBean.
> Best Regards,
>    Jarda
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David A. Kovacic [mailto:d...@case.edu]
> Sent: 14. November 2014 3:30 odp.
> To: cas-user@lists.jasig.org
> Subject: [cas-user] CAS 4.0.0 Production Issue: Heap Memory Issue
> All,
> For the the second time both of our SSO servers running under Tomcat ran out 
> of heap memory last night.  They had been up about 7 days straight with no 
> restarts.  It looks like they again ran out of memory at about 1GB used 
> (which seems to be the default Java heap size).  We have lots of memory 
> available on those servers so the last time this happened, we thought to 
> increase the max heap size to 2GB.  Our research had indicated that to 
> increase heap memory for a Java app running under Tomcat you need to add the 
> following line in the Tomcat CATALINA_HOME/bin/setenv.sh file:
> CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms1000m -Xmx2000m
> Supposedly according to our research, this increases minimum heap size to 
> 1000MB and max heap size to 2000MB (just under 1GB and 2GB respectively).  
> This is all running under RHEL 6 with Tomcat 7.0.54 and Oracle Java 
> jdk1.8.0_05.  Is there something we are missing here?  Do we need to do 
> something to tell Tomcat that it needs to allocate more memory than the 
> default to the CAS application itself?  The only applications we are running 
> under Tomcat are the CAS webapp and the CAS management webapp which is pretty 
> much idle all the time.  We relaod services using the default 2 minute timer 
> in both CAS and CAS-management.
> This is a fairly major issue for us as we are in the middle of our student 
> registration period and we are seeing huge usage from Blackboard during the 
> late-night hours (which is perversely when these servers tend to run out of 
> heap).  People are beginning to take a very jaundiced view of the supposedly 
> "improved" SSO service that our move from RubyCAS was supposed to give them.
> Dave
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