Hi Jaroslav,

Well, given the error I knew it had to be something like that - I just
couldn't find where logoutManager was supposed to be defined.  Thanks
for pointing me in the correct direction. :-)

A couple last questions on your setup:

Are you running the ticket cleaner on multiple nodes of your environment
simultaneously, or just one?  If you run multiple simultaneous cleaners
are you doing any kind of locking on the cache to prevent them from
stepping on each other, or has it never been a problem for you?


On 11/20/14 9:16 AM, Jaroslav Kacer wrote:
> Hi David!
> It seems you are missing a reference to the logout manager. Here is my
> configuration:
> <beanid=/"ticketRegistryCleaner"/class=/"org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.support.DefaultTicketRegistryCleaner"/
>             p:ticketRegistry-ref=/"ticketRegistry"/
>             *p:logoutManager-ref**=**/"logoutManager"/****/>***
> <beanid=/"jobDetailTicketRegistryCleaner"/class=/"org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean"/
>             p:targetObject-ref=/"ticketRegistryCleaner"/
>             p:targetMethod=/"clean"//>
> <beanid=/"triggerJobDetailTicketRegistryCleaner"/class=/"org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SimpleTriggerBean"/
>             p:jobDetail-ref=/"jobDetailTicketRegistryCleaner"/
>             p:startDelay=/"20000"/
>             p:repeatInterval=/"3600000"//>
> Then just check you have the logoutManager bean defined in
> applicationContext.xml. It should be there by default.
> Best Regards,
>    Jarda
> *From:*David A. Kovacic [mailto:d...@case.edu]
> *Sent:* 20. November 2014 2:42 odp.
> *To:* cas-user@lists.jasig.org
> *Subject:* Re: [cas-user] CAS 4.0.0 Production Issue: Heap Memory Issue
> Hi Jaroslav,
> Could you post your entire ticket registry cleaner definition?  I
> tried setting up a cleaner job patterned after the default ticket
> registry cleaner but I am getting
> Error creating bean with name 'ticketRegistryCleaner' defined in
> ServletContext resource
> [/WEB-INF/spring-configuration/ticketRegistry.xml]: Initialization of
> bean failed; nested exception is
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanInitializationException: Bean
> state is invalid: logoutManager - may not be null
> exceptions on startup.  This is what the ticket cleaner definition
> looks like:
>     <bean id="ticketRegistryCleaner"
> class="org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.support.DefaultTicketRegistryCleaner"
>         p:ticketRegistry-ref="ticketRegistry" />
>     <bean id="jobDetailTicketRegistryCleaner" 
> class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean"
>         p:targetObject-ref="ticketRegistryCleaner"
>         p:targetMethod="clean" />
>     <bean id="triggerJobDetailTicketRegistryCleaner"
> class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SimpleTriggerBean"
>         p:jobDetail-ref="jobDetailTicketRegistryCleaner"
>         p:startDelay="20000"
>         p:repeatInterval="3600000" />
> On 11/18/14 6:40 AM, Jaroslav Kacer wrote:
>     Hi David!
>     We have CAS 4.0.0, also with Eh-Cache-based ticket registry, on a 4-node 
> cluster. Our configuration of EhCache is almost identical to yours.
>     Two weeks after our initial deployment, we started getting OOME too, on 
> all nodes. Our system admin measured heap consumption and the resulting 
> graphs show that it is constantly growing until an OOME is thrown out. We 
> gathered a memory snapshot and it showed that majority of the heap was 
> occupied by tickets.
>     I switched on a ticket registry cleaner job in ticketRegistry.xml and 
> scheduled it to run every hour:
>     <bean id="triggerJobDetailTicketRegistryCleaner" 
> class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SimpleTriggerBean"
>     p:jobDetail-ref="jobDetailTicketRegistryCleaner"
>     p:startDelay="20000"
>     p:repeatInterval="3600000" />
>     The documentation at 
> http://jasig.github.io/cas/4.0.0/installation/Ehcache-Ticket-Registry.html 
> says that the cleaner is not necessary when you use EhCache. Now I'm not sure 
> if I can trust it or not. To be sure, I will keep the cleaner active. Do you 
> have the cleaner enabled or not?
>     We are going to perform a test that should show if tickets are cleaned or 
> not.
>     I have also found that EhCache is able to limit the heap memory consumed 
> by its caches: 
> http://ehcache.org/generated/2.9.0/html/ehc-all/#page/Ehcache_Documentation_Set%2Fco-size_sizing_attributes.html%23
>     So I tried the following in ehcache-replicated.xml:
>     <ehcache name="ehCacheTicketRegistryCache"
>         updateCheck="false"
>         maxBytesLocalHeap="256M"
>         maxBytesLocalDisk="10G"
>         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; 
> <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance>
>         xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ehcache.org/ehcache.xsd"; 
> <http://ehcache.org/ehcache.xsd>>
>     Unfortunately, it does not work together with Spring's EhCache support 
> used by CAS. EhCacheFactoryBean always provides a limit of the number of 
> elements (even if we do not specify it), which clashes with the heap memory 
> limit and an error is thrown out on startup.
>     In order to use the heap memory limit, we would have to provide a 
> replacement of EhCacheFactoryBean.
>     Best Regards,
>        Jarda
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: David A. Kovacic [mailto:d...@case.edu]
>     Sent: 14. November 2014 3:30 odp.
>     To: cas-user@lists.jasig.org <mailto:cas-user@lists.jasig.org>
>     Subject: [cas-user] CAS 4.0.0 Production Issue: Heap Memory Issue
>     All,
>     For the the second time both of our SSO servers running under Tomcat ran 
> out of heap memory last night.  They had been up about 7 days straight with 
> no restarts.  It looks like they again ran out of memory at about 1GB used 
> (which seems to be the default Java heap size).  We have lots of memory 
> available on those servers so the last time this happened, we thought to 
> increase the max heap size to 2GB.  Our research had indicated that to 
> increase heap memory for a Java app running under Tomcat you need to add the 
> following line in the Tomcat CATALINA_HOME/bin/setenv.sh file:
>     CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms1000m -Xmx2000m
>     Supposedly according to our research, this increases minimum heap size to 
> 1000MB and max heap size to 2000MB (just under 1GB and 2GB respectively).  
> This is all running under RHEL 6 with Tomcat 7.0.54 and Oracle Java 
> jdk1.8.0_05.  Is there something we are missing here?  Do we need to do 
> something to tell Tomcat that it needs to allocate more memory than the 
> default to the CAS application itself?  The only applications we are running 
> under Tomcat are the CAS webapp and the CAS management webapp which is pretty 
> much idle all the time.  We relaod services using the default 2 minute timer 
> in both CAS and CAS-management.
>     This is a fairly major issue for us as we are in the middle of our 
> student registration period and we are seeing huge usage from Blackboard 
> during the late-night hours (which is perversely when these servers tend to 
> run out of heap).  People are beginning to take a very jaundiced view of the 
> supposedly "improved" SSO service that our move from RubyCAS was supposed to 
> give them.
>     Dave
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