I have successfully configured CAS to return attributes but I cannot seem to 
figure out how to get it to return the memberOf attribute created by the 
memberof overlay of OpenLDAP.

memberOf is an operational attribute and so I know when I want to return it 
using ldapsearch, I have to specifically request it.

Is there something similar I need to do in my CAS configuration?

Right now, I am using the following in my deployerConfigContext.xml:

    <bean id="attributeRepository"
          Attribute mapping between principal (key) and LDAP (value) names
          used to perform the LDAP search. By default, multiple search criteria
          are ANDed together. Set the queryType property to change to OR.
        <property name="queryAttributeMapping">
                <entry key="username" value="uid" />
        <property name="resultAttributeMapping">
                  Key is LDAP attribute name, value is principal attribute name.
                <entry key="ssoGUID" value="ssoGUID" />
                <entry key="givenName" value="givenname" />
                <entry key="sn" value="surname" />
                <entry key="memberOf" value="memberof" />

ssoGUID, givenName and sn all are returned.  memberOf is not returned.

Appreciate any help as I am stuck.
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