Thanks Marvin for the response.
     <bean id="attributeRepository"






Believe I see the problem. The security context of this search is either 
anonymous or using a service credential; in either case it's not the security 
context of the authenticating user needed for the overlay. In other words it's 
not visible to you.  I think I am not seeing this though.  If I use the manager 
account that is used to search the directory or the credentials of the use who 
is logging in with ldapsearch, as long as I explicitly request the memberOf 
attribute it gets returned.
 You should be able to use the additionalAttributes property of 
LdapAuthenticationHandler to fetch attributes and add them to the principal at 
authentication time. In that case you're bound as the user, which should 
satisfy the overlay. Then you'll need to use a static PersonAttributeDao to 
simply define stub properties for the attributeRepository. The real values come 
from the principal. That's advanced configuration that is not documented 
anywhere, but most of the difficulty is with PersonDirectory components, not 
CAS ones per se. I have a StaticPersonAttributesDao component I can share with 
you if you get stuck, but it's pretty easy to implement PersonAttributesDao.
 Okay.  I think I am beginning to understand.  Are you saying that I should put 
all my attributes that I want returned here: <bean 
    <property name="principalAttributeMap">
               | This map provides a simple attribute resolution mechanism.
               | Keys are LDAP attribute names, values are CAS attribute names.
               | Use this facility instead of a PrincipalResolver if LDAP is
               | the only attribute source.
            <entry key="ssoGUID" value="ssoGUID" />
            <entry key="givenName" value="givenname" />
            <entry key="sn" value="surname" />
            <entry key="memberOf" value="memberOf" />
            <entry key="uid" value="user" />
</bean> and also define a stub like this to use in place of      <bean 
            p:backingMap-ref="attrRepoBackingMap" />    <util:map 
        <entry key="uid" value="user" />
        <entry key="ssoGUID" value="ssoGUID" />
        <entry key="givenName" value="givenname" />
        <entry key="sn" value="surname" />
        <entry key="memberOf" value="memberOf" />
    </bean>  When I did this I end up getting back just the values I specify in 
the stub, not the values of LDAP.  It seems like I must be getting close but I 
my understanding is lacking.  I appreciate you continuing to point me in the 
right direction. Thanks! Doug                                         
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