I don't think there is. This is actually a bug that we fixed for later
versions of the software, and I don't think the fix ever went into 3.5.x.
If you'd like, please open up an issue and I'll look into this. 


From: Juan Quintanilla [mailto:jquin...@fiu.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:12 AM
To: cas-user@lists.jasig.org
Subject: [cas-user] Suppress Error Message Display on Login Screen




We are implementing CAS 3.5.3 and when we configure authentication for
LDAP and there is a communication error the error message is displayed on
the Login Screen when a user hits submit after entering their credentials.

Example: org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException:
Failed to borrow DirContext from pool.; nested exception is



Is there a way to suppress that message or display to the user the CAS
Unavailable page instead.  On the older version we are running instead of
displaying the error to the user they are redirected to the CAS
Unavailable Page.




Here is also a snippet of the page source from the html

Juan Quintanilla

UTS - Enterprise Group


jquin...@fiu.edu <mailto:jquin...@fiu.edu> 


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