Not sure I recall the platform here or whether this is a new MySQL
server, but certain distributions of MySQL by default are configured to
listen to a UNIX socket rather than an IP port. In this case, one would
not see port 3306 in use (cf. netstat).


On 05/29/2015 01:27 PM, Romov, Phil wrote:
> Thanks for the tip Misagh, I’m now getting debug info (no trace, even
> though I set it to trace)
> However, the debug lines don’t really expose anything else.
> I also tried nestat -c 1 -tn | grep 3306, that gave me 3 lines (before
> starting tomcat) which must be some other apps connecting to it (I’m on a
> box that runs a bunch of apps that talk to the same database)
> As I started tomcat and went through the cas login process, I was
> monitoring the output for any new lines with a new local port number to be
> created, but I didn’t see any, so it seems like it never makes a
> connection to MYSQL
> I then ran my old tomcat with the old cas install that I know works (I’m
> reinstalling because the old tomcat has some other apps and I want to
> re-do the install from scratch having only cas as the only tomcat web app)
> and it created 4 new lines in the format of ::ffff:ip.ip.ip.ip:57xxx (and
> the login process worked as in the past) so I wonder if that’s a clue at
> all
> Thanks again for your support
> Phil

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