To be sure, I’ve done a diff -r between the working cas and the nonworking
one, and besides cosmetic differences (like “Specification-Title: Jasig
CAS Web Application” vs “Specificatio-Title: Jasig CAS - Uber WAR”) I
couldn’t find anything different!


On 5/26/15, 2:33 PM, "Romov, Phil" <> wrote:

>No, we aren’t using eDirectory.
>What’s frustating is I had cas working before.  I used the regular web
>app war (now I’m using the uber one, and I even copied the lib over from
>the one that was working) and I copied over all the config files (using
>the select * method of confirming auth against custom users table) - or
>so I thought.  I must have missed one, because the new cas install is
>still not working
>(I have to abandon my old cas install because it was installed on a
>bundled tomcat with something else)
>I must be missing something really obvious here, but I don’t even know
>where to start looking as the log file is all but devoid of helpful
>Any ideas whatsoever are welcome!
>From: Christopher Myers
>Reply-To: "<>"
>Date: Friday, May 22, 2015 at 9:09 AM
>To: "<>"
>Subject: Re: [cas-user] debugging AUTHENTICATION_FAILED
>Hey Phil -
>You don't happen to use eDirectory on the back-end, do you? If so, I can
>send you some directions that can make troubleshooting something like
>this a TON easier...
>>>> "Romov, Phil" <<>>
>>>>05/21/15 3:55 PM >>>
>Thanks for your reply! However, I might need significantly more schooling
>on how to do this..
>I tried googling around for some hints, but saw a mish-mash of .properties
>and .xml files and didn¹t know where to start.
>So I tried a stab in the dark, adding to
>And restarted tomcat
>However, I didn¹t get anything new in the logs, the same basic error
>AUTHENTICATION_FAILED and no detail how to resolve itŠ
>Please advise
>On 5/20/15, 4:10 PM, "Misagh Moayyed"
><<>> wrote:
>>The easiest way would be to review your log4j file, and adjust relevant
>>levels to DEBUG, and watch the output. Specifically, you want to have
>>org.jasig.cas to DEBUG and packages that deal with jdbc and your oracle
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Romov, Phil []
>>Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:48 AM
>>Subject: [cas-user] debugging AUTHENTICATION_FAILED
>>I'm essentially in the same boat as
>>(except I'm in mysql not oracle)
>>Are there any other logs to look at, flags to enable more logs? Please
>>point me in the right direction
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