Hello CAS developers,

I have an idea about how to make CAS highly available (HA) without  
doing Service Ticket/Proxy (Granting) Ticket (ST and PT) replication,  
so I would like to propose it to you all and see what you think.

First, let me start off by saying that I think it is still wise to  
replicate TGTs, especially considering replicating TGTs can withstand  
very high latencies (several seconds or more). Actually, the latency  
tolerance for TGTs is such that you could even replicate them in LDAP  
if you wanted to (which does replication very well, and securely).

So, my proposal for "replicating" STs and PTs is as follows: Make each  
CAS server aware of its peers, and use the CAS protocol itself for  
validating tickets. I will try to clarify this with an example:

The simplest scenario is 2 CAS servers -- CAS1 and CAS2 -- (but this  
scales to n CAS servers). Each CAS server has a list of all the CAS  
servers in the cluster (using "cluster" for lack of a better term),  
including itself. When a CAS server (CAS1) receives a ST or PT for  
validation, it simply looks at the ticket to determine where the  
ticket originated (this is done by inspecting the end of the ticket  
value which will have the hostname of the originating CAS server  
appended to it -- just as tickets do now). If the ticket originated  
with itself (CAS1), it handles the validation like normal. If the  
ticket originated with another CAS server (CAS2), the CAS1 server now  
becomes a CAS client and asks CAS2 to do the validation (using the CAS  
protocol), and then CAS1 just passes the response right back to the  
client as if it (CAS1) had done the validation.

That's it. This whole concept could probably be implemented in the  
CentralAuthenticationService class.

Of course, this concept scales to n CAS servers, but I do not know the  
throughput of even doing this with just 2 CAS servers. But this  
certainly makes CAS HA without a lot of extra baggage. The local ST  
and PT ticket registry can be implemented in memcache or even a DB but  
the nice thing about it is that they do not have to be replicated. As  
I said in the beginning, the TGTs could be stored in something like  
LDAP which does replication very well, but it is not fast enough for  
STs and PTs.

Please let me know what you think and/or if you need more clarification.



Lucas Rockwell
CalNet Team

Yale CAS mailing list

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