We thought about doing something similar at Columbia a few years ago, 
but ultimately went with a DB backed store.  Our concerns included

 (1) Only 1/n (where n=# of servers) validation requests would hit
     the correct server and not need forwarding, meaning an increase
     of (n-1)/n transactions

 (2) It wasn't replication, so if a server went down, we would
     still lose 1/n of the login state, meaning we couldn't
     really call this high availability


Lucas Rockwell <l...@berkeley.edu> wrote on January 15, 2009 1:57:12 PM 

] Hello CAS developers,
] I have an idea about how to make CAS highly available (HA) without
] doing Service Ticket/Proxy (Granting) Ticket (ST and PT) replication,
]  so I would like to propose it to you all and see what you think.
] First, let me start off by saying that I think it is still wise to
] replicate TGTs, especially considering replicating TGTs can withstand
]  very high latencies (several seconds or more). Actually, the latency
]  tolerance for TGTs is such that you could even replicate them in
] LDAP   if you wanted to (which does replication very well, and
] securely).
] So, my proposal for "replicating" STs and PTs is as follows: Make
] each   CAS server aware of its peers, and use the CAS protocol itself
] for   validating tickets. I will try to clarify this with an example:
] The simplest scenario is 2 CAS servers -- CAS1 and CAS2 -- (but this
] scales to n CAS servers). Each CAS server has a list of all the CAS
] servers in the cluster (using "cluster" for lack of a better term),
] including itself. When a CAS server (CAS1) receives a ST or PT for
] validation, it simply looks at the ticket to determine where the
] ticket originated (this is done by inspecting the end of the ticket
] value which will have the hostname of the originating CAS server
] appended to it -- just as tickets do now). If the ticket originated
] with itself (CAS1), it handles the validation like normal. If the
] ticket originated with another CAS server (CAS2), the CAS1 server now
]  becomes a CAS client and asks CAS2 to do the validation (using the
] CAS   protocol), and then CAS1 just passes the response right back to
] the   client as if it (CAS1) had done the validation.
] That's it. This whole concept could probably be implemented in the
] CentralAuthenticationService class.
] Of course, this concept scales to n CAS servers, but I do not know
] the   throughput of even doing this with just 2 CAS servers. But this
]  certainly makes CAS HA without a lot of extra baggage. The local ST
] and PT ticket registry can be implemented in memcache or even a DB
] but   the nice thing about it is that they do not have to be
] replicated. As   I said in the beginning, the TGTs could be stored in
] something like   LDAP which does replication very well, but it is not
] fast enough for   STs and PTs.
] Please let me know what you think and/or if you need more
] clarification.
] Thanks.
] -lucas
] -----------------------
] Lucas Rockwell
] CalNet Team
] l...@berkeley.edu
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