The CAS LDAP support should be drastically better than the
JAASAuthenticationHandler using that specific LDAP JAAS module.  I
wrote the JAASAuthenticationHandler and
edu.uconn.netid.jaas.LDAPLoginModule as a quick hack job due to some
historical Kerberos/LDAP/ActiveDirectory needs.  Scott cleaned up the
JAASAuthenticationHandler to make it CAS-worthy, but the JAAS
LDAPLoginModule has suffered from severe bit-rot and should be purged
from this plane of existence.

I'd recommend either using the stock CAS LDAP support, or the more
popular (at least in the Shib community) Virginia Tech LDAPLoginModule


On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 5:13 PM, inas inassen <> wrote:
> Thanks Andrew
> Yes, all my applications are role based autorization using JAAS framework
> inside strust, tiles and taglibs.
> So my need is that I want to have a CAS server running let say in W1 server
> site that authenticate against an ldap
> Using a CAS client,  my others applications that are running in W2, W3 and
> so one will authenticate against a CAS Server in W1 and I need a JAAS
> subject to keep my application's security (autorization and authentication)
> working.
> thanks again
> Inas.
> ________________________________
> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 15:01:37 -0600
> Subject: Re: CAS and LDAP and JAAS
> From:
> To:
> Inas,
> Is there any reason you are going through JAAS for LDAP authentication
> instead of using the LDAP authentication handler?
> LDAP wiki entry:
> JAAS wiki entry:
> HTH,
> A-
> On 1/15/09 2:51 PM, "inas inassen" <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to configure CAS to authenticate against an LDAP and my
> applications are using JAAS as an Authentication and Autorization framework.
> Everything work fine using Tomcat JNDIRealm
> My Tomcat JNDIRealm
> <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm"
>            connectionURL="ldap://ladpsrv:389/ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net";
>            userPattern="uid={0},ou=people,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net"
>            roleBase="ou=roles,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net"
>            roleName="cn"
>            roleSearch="(uniqueMember={0})" />
> this is my jaas.conf file (configured in
> CAS {
> edu.uconn.netid.jaas.LDAPLoginModule sufficient
> java.naming.provider.url="ldap://ladpsrv:389/ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net";
> Attribute="uid"
> startTLS="true";
> };
> and this is my delpoyConfigContext file
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <beans xmlns="";
>        xmlns:xsi="";
>        xmlns:p="";
>        xsi:schemaLocation="
>  <bean id="authenticationManager"
> class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.AuthenticationManagerImpl">
>   <property name="credentialsToPrincipalResolvers">
>    <list>
>     <bean
> class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.UsernamePasswordCredentialsToPrincipalResolver"
> />
>     <bean
> class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.HttpBasedServiceCredentialsToPrincipalResolver"
> />
>    </list>
>   </property>
>   <property name="authenticationHandlers">
>    <list>
>     <bean
> class=""
> p:httpClient-ref="httpClient" />
>     <bean
> class=""
> />
>     <bean class="org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.BindLdapAuthenticationHandler">
>      <property name="filter" value="uid=%u" />
>      <property name="searchBase" value="ou=people,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net" />
>      <property name="contextSource" ref="contextSource" />
>     </bean>
>    </list>
>   </property>
>  </bean>
>  <bean id="userDetailsService"
> class="">
>   <property name="userMap">
>    <value></value>
>   </property>
>  </bean>
>  <bean id="attributeRepository"
> class="">
>   <property name="backingMap">
>    <map>
>     <entry key="uid" value="uid" />
>     <entry key="eduPersonAffiliation" value="eduPersonAffiliation" />
>     <entry key="groupMembership" value="groupMembership" />
>    </map>
>   </property>
>  </bean>
>  <bean id="serviceRegistryDao"
> class="" />
>  <!-- LDAP context -->
>  <bean id="contextSource"
> class="org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.util.AuthenticatedLdapContextSource">
>   <property name="pooled" value="true"/>
>   <property name="urls">
>    <list>
>     <value>ldap://ladpsrv:389/ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net</value>
>    </list>
>   </property>
>   <property name="userName" value="cn=Manager,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net"/>
>   <property name="password" value="secret"/>
>   <property name="baseEnvironmentProperties">
>    <map>
>     <entry>
>      <key>
>       <value></value>
>      </key>
>      <value>simple</value>
>     </entry>
>     <entry>
>      <key>
>       <value>ldap.initial.context.factory</value>
>      </key>
>      <value>com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory</value>
>     </entry>
>    </map>
>   </property>
>  </bean>
> </beans>
> my ldap schema is
> ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net
>     ou=people
>          uid=user1
>          uid=user2
>     ou=roles
>         cn=role1
>              uniqueMember: uid=user1,ou=people,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net
>         cn=role2
>              uniqueMember: uid=user2,ou=people,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net
> when I try to login I get a bad credential
> any help please?
> thanks a lot.
> Mezghena.
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