Thanks Matt,
Now is more clear, so I agree with you that CAS LDAP support is better but my 
concern is that I want to keep my applications compliant 
after switching from TOMCAT JNDIReal and SSO Valve  to CAS server, then how can 
i make the expected roles available to my application 
in order to use the isInRole(string) method from the HttpServletRequest object?
Inas> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 17:54:39 -0500> From:> To:> Subject: Re: CAS and LDAP and JAAS> > The CAS LDAP support 
should be drastically better than the> JAASAuthenticationHandler using that 
specific LDAP JAAS module. I> wrote the JAASAuthenticationHandler and> 
edu.uconn.netid.jaas.LDAPLoginModule as a quick hack job due to some> 
historical Kerberos/LDAP/ActiveDirectory needs. Scott cleaned up the> 
JAASAuthenticationHandler to make it CAS-worthy, but the JAAS> LDAPLoginModule 
has suffered from severe bit-rot and should be purged> from this plane of 
existence.> > I'd recommend either using the stock CAS LDAP support, or the 
more> popular (at least in the Shib community) Virginia Tech LDAPLoginModule>>
 .> > -Matt> > > On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 5:13 PM, inas inassen 
<> wrote:> > Thanks Andrew> >> > Yes, all my applications 
are role based autorization using JAAS framework> > inside strust, tiles and 
taglibs.> >> > So my need is that I want to have a CAS server running let say 
in W1 server> > site that authenticate against an ldap> > Using a CAS client, 
my others applications that are running in W2, W3 and> > so one will 
authenticate against a CAS Server in W1 and I need a JAAS> > subject to keep my 
application's security (autorization and authentication)> > working.> >> > 
thanks again> >> > Inas.> >> >> > ________________________________> > Date: 
Thu, 15 Jan 2009 15:01:37 -0600> > Subject: Re: CAS and LDAP and JAAS> > From:> > To:> >> > Inas,> >> > Is there any 
reason you are going through JAAS for LDAP authentication> > instead of using 
the LDAP authentication handler?> >> > LDAP wiki entry:> > JAAS wiki entry:> >> > HTH,> > A-> >> > On 1/15/09 
2:51 PM, "inas inassen" <> wrote:> >> >> >> > Hi all,> >> > 
I'm trying to configure CAS to authenticate against an LDAP and my> > 
applications are using JAAS as an Authentication and Autorization framework.> 
>> > Everything work fine using Tomcat JNDIRealm> >> > My Tomcat JNDIRealm> >> 
>> > <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm"> > 
connectionURL="ldap://ladpsrv:389/ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net";> > 
userPattern="uid={0},ou=people,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net"> > 
roleBase="ou=roles,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net"> > roleName="cn"> > 
roleSearch="(uniqueMember={0})" />> >> >> > this is my jaas.conf file 
(configured in> >> >> >> > CAS {> 
> edu.uconn.netid.jaas.LDAPLoginModule sufficient> > 
java.naming.provider.url="ldap://ladpsrv:389/ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net";> >"cn=Manager,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net"> >"secret"> > Attribute="uid"> > 
startTLS="true";> > };> >> >> > and this is my delpoyConfigContext file> >> > 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>> > <beans 
xmlns="";> > 
xmlns:xsi="";> > 
xmlns:p="";> > 
xsi:schemaLocation="> >";>> > <bean 
id="authenticationManager"> > 
class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.AuthenticationManagerImpl">> > <property 
name="credentialsToPrincipalResolvers">> > <list>> > <bean> > 
 > />> > <bean> > 
 > />> > </list>> > </property>> > <property name="authenticationHandlers">> > 
<list>> > <bean> > 
 > p:httpClient-ref="httpClient" />> > <bean> > 
> />> > <bean 
class="org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.BindLdapAuthenticationHandler">> > <property 
name="filter" value="uid=%u" />> > <property name="searchBase" 
value="ou=people,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net" />> > <property name="contextSource" 
ref="contextSource" />> > </bean>> > </list>> > </property>> > </bean>> >> > 
<bean id="userDetailsService"> > 
class="">> > 
<property name="userMap">> > <value></value>> > </property>> > </bean>> >> > 
<bean id="attributeRepository"> > 
class="">> > 
<property name="backingMap">> > <map>> > <entry key="uid" value="uid" />> > 
<entry key="eduPersonAffiliation" value="eduPersonAffiliation" />> > <entry 
key="groupMembership" value="groupMembership" />> > </map>> > </property>> > 
</bean>> >> > <bean id="serviceRegistryDao"> > 
class="" />> >> > <!-- 
LDAP context -->> > <bean id="contextSource"> > 
class="org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.util.AuthenticatedLdapContextSource">> > 
<property name="pooled" value="true"/>> > <property name="urls">> > <list>> > 
<value>ldap://ladpsrv:389/ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net</value>> > </list>> > 
</property>> > <property name="userName" 
value="cn=Manager,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net"/>> > <property name="password" 
value="secret"/>> > <property name="baseEnvironmentProperties">> > <map>> > 
<entry>> > <key>> > <value></value>> > 
</key>> > <value>simple</value>> > </entry>> >> > <entry>> > <key>> > 
<value>ldap.initial.context.factory</value>> > </key>> > 
<value>com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory</value>> > </entry>> > </map>> > 
</property>> > </bean>> >> > </beans>> >> >> > my ldap schema is> >> > 
ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net> > ou=people> > uid=user1> > uid=user2> > ou=roles> > 
cn=role1> > uniqueMember: uid=user1,ou=people,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net> > cn=role2> 
> uniqueMember: uid=user2,ou=people,ou=ait,o=b2b,dc=net> >> >> >> > when I try 
to login I get a bad credential> >> > any help please?> >> > thanks a lot.> >> 
> Mezghena.> >> >> > ________________________________> > Découvrez toutes les 
possibilités de communication avec vos proches> > 
<>> >> > 
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Andrew Feller, Analyst> > LSU University Information Services> > 200 Frey 
Computing Services Center> > Baton Rouge, LA 70803> > Office: 225.578.3737> > 
Fax: 225.578.6400> >> > ________________________________> > Découvrez toutes 
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_______________________________________________> > Yale CAS mailing list> >> >> >> >> > > > 
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