Hey Griffin

Replying to this email to keep the thread flowing and posting to CASPER
for others who may be interested.

Sorry for the late reponse, was just doing a quick compile to test
things out.

You do not need any special setup to compile for ROACH2. The current
latest mlib_devel git repository has everything you need. We are using
Xilinx 11.5 and Matlab R2008b but later tools will work except for the
latest (Xilinx 13) which needs some manual work to support things.

The yellow blocks supported are software registers, Shared BRAM and the
katADC. Other yellow blocks are in development but not completed. This
means that at the moment you cannot use 10Ge, iADC, DRAM, QDR SRAM or
the 1Ge phy connected directly to the FPGA. Yellow blocks for these will
be released as they become available. 

Let us know if you have any other questions.


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